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Tag: White Australia Policy

The Plot Against Australia, Part II: Censorship and the White Australia...

Originally published by The Occidental Observer. Jason Cannon Go to Part I.  Censorship and the White Australia Policy Broader ideological connections between the anti-censorship cause in the post-war...

Arthur Calwell Was The Problem Not The Solution

Over at XYZ a well written and well researched article has appeared, The Democratic Labour Party: A Poisoned Legacy. In this article the author Australian...

The Anzacs did not fight for “Australian Values”

So I've been doing some research and it turns out the ANZAC's didn't know anything about the "Australian Values" we have heard so much...

The White Australia Song

NSN “This March introduces the grand chorus of the National Policy Song, and is intended to express the life, character, and aspirations of the Australian...

Support for the White Australia Policy was the norm

This video is a mash up two bits of footage which have received good coverage on The XYZ over the years. The first is...

The White Australia Policy ended slavery in Australia

The XYZ has previously published this video by Vertigo Politix documenting the use of hundreds of thousands of white slaves, particularly of the Irish,...

Quote of the Day: The war on White Australia

A series of pieces by Brenton Sanderson at Occidental Observer is worth reading and rereading. Adam Piggott has helpfully identified a key passage over...

Chinese Media says Australia is a White Country

The truth is impossible to hide forever, you can suppress it, you can ignore it, but eventually it comes out. Sometimes this happens in...

The Estimate of the Situation Part 2: The Right to Self...

The Golem In Part I of this series I outlined the basic facts which prove that the Australian People are a distinct and unique ethnic...

Australians, stop voting for your own Genocide

The Golem Do not vote for or support any of the following major political parties. The Australian Labor Party The Australian Liberal Party The Australian...