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Tag: The Islamic State

No Vegemite for you: ISIS Brides are not Australian

WARNING: contains graphic content. Apparently every muslim wanting to come back to a Western country from the short lived Islamic State was a cook. From the...

Fuck the Kurds

Back in the 80's, Saddam Hussein gassed the Kurds (apparently) and we all felt sorry for them. Then during Iraq War 1 George HW...

2016 – The Coming European Spring

The Arab Spring was sparked in Tunisia in December 2010 and spread throughout North Africa and the Middle East in 2011, (although the stillbirth...

MEMRI TV video – “Modifying Muslim” tells truth about islam

Ayaan Hirsi Ali makes a distinction between three types of muslims in her book "Infidel." Mecca muslims - the majority of muslims, who focus on...

Warning – this story contains disturbing hypocrisy

Warning - this story contains disturbing hypocrisy Today in Melbourne, courageous opponent of all forms of discrimination and hate speech (well, all except one perhaps),...

Wally of the Year: The Islamic (don’t call us Daesh) State

The Islamic (don't call us Daesh) State has provided us with no end of hilarilty this year. Barack Obama's JV Team have presented us...

The Sound of Silence

Somewhere in the hell that has become the city of Raqqa since Islamic State fantatics captured it, a woman dressed in a burqa was...

Say It With A Picture: Be careful what you wish, Michael.

Before Christmas, a certain obese man made Quote of the Day, and narrowly missed being awarded The XYZ Wally of the Week.  Said fat...

A view from Paris

Through a form of serendipity, I found myself in Paris this weekend. Travelling by high speed train without incident, I proceeded to go bar...

American Muslims Experience “Intense Backlash”

Reading the Washington Post one could be forgiven for drawing the conclusion that Muslims living in the United States were the actual victims of...