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Tag: The Coalition

Barnaby Joyce Surrenders Australia to Environmental Extremism

Some time in the last month or so, the Australian government under Liberal Party Prime Minister Scott Morrison decided that Australia should destroy its...

Airport bug could delay white genocide by up to 48 hours

Agent XYZ1788 has completed another successful mission, and is currently believed to be skiing in the Swiss alps with a stunning blonde, although you...

Fraser Anning: #ItsOkToBeWhite just virtue signalling without immigration plebiscite

David Hilton reported on the hysterics triggered on the left by Pauline Hanson's motion to the Senate that It's Ok to be White. Since...

XYZ Live #27: Lauren Southern kicked out of Lakemba and other...

In last night's livestream, David Hiscox and Matty's Modern Life discussed the following topics: Lauren Southern's exposure of the sharia law in operation in...

Why we should celebrate the legacy of Reclaim Australia

Two years ago on the Easter long weekend thousands of ordinary Australians took to the streets to give those who love our country a...

Turnbull Refuses to Take Responsibility for Queensland Loss

After the Coalition's loss in the Queensland state election, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has played to one of his strengths, namely, to shift the...