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Tag: refugees

Are the new boat people arrivals an inside job?

Just as Australia faces multiple crises of inflation, housing affordability and homelessness due to unprecedented mass immigration, a handful of boat people arrive in...

The Flag of Freedom

A young Canadian farming family with nine children immigrate to Russia. Have no doubt, they are fleeing persecution. How quickly the world changes. See...

AnAl to reopen floodgates to refugees

AnAl, Australia’s first openly homosexual Prime Minister, plans to restart the boatpeople invasion of Australia’s northern shores by granting visas to nearly 20,000 refugees: Thousands...

RESTART THE BOATS: 3 refugee boats in 3 weeks since Australian...

The bizarre conspiracy theory that Scott Morrison personally organised and paid out of his own pocket for a boat of Sri Lankan refugees to...

When Antiwhites Murder Antiwhites

When high level conservative British politician David Amess stood in front of the press holding up a sign that read 'I believe every refugee...

Refugees from the West

When we think of refugees the typical image will be of downtrodden individuals and families pushing handcarts of pathetic family items. The roads of...

Third World Refugees Flee Victorian Third World Shithole: Trying to Get...

A boatload of ex-New Australians believed to have fled Victoria is currently stranded off the Indonesian coast. Even before the coronavirus lockdown the Indonesian...

“It’s a lot of sand”: Trump tells Kurds to get stuffed

What a line, Donald: From the Australian: "It’s a lot of sand — they’ve got a lot of sand over there so that’s a lot of...

Oxfam says refugees are good for the economy!

Oxfam recently released a study that hilariously claims refugees would be great for the economy. They are wrong, laughably so. To watch this video, follow the... petition: Save South African Farmer Nicky and her family

There is currently a petition on to support a South African family who are trying to move to Australia on humanitarian grounds. The...