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Tag: red pill

Man Pining for Chick to Like Him

A few days ago a 39 year old knife wielding maniac killed several people in a Sydney shopping mall. In an interview, his father...

The Red Pill is a World Without God

I’ve heard it said that feminism ruins women, while the red pill/MGTOW/PUA movement ruins men. I think this is fairly accurate, but in the...

Women are indeed the very Weaker Sex

A reader is in despair over his pedelisation of women and the awful suspicion that this is a false proposition. I discovered the Red Pill,...

Why are people so quick to reject the truth?

We have all felt the frustrations of making realisations about what is really going on in this world, but being utterly rejected the moment...

Red-pilling Norm the Normie

Originally published March 1, 2019. Have you ever tried to red-pill a normie? Maybe a friend or family member? Did they become triggered and try...

Our battle against effeminacy

Via the always excellent Father Z I came across this quote from St. Bernard of Clairvaux who was preaching to his men at Vézelay...

Lifting the veils

My piece the other day on your role in this spiritual war was cross-posted by our friends over at XYZ Magazine. A reader left...

The Biggest Red Pill: Trump Stands His Ground

For an entire week the media the world over has attempted a coordinated gaslighting operation to convince their dwindling viewership that Joseph Biden won the...

Melbourne Traditionalists Episode Four: Political Journies

In this episode Mark Moncrieff from Melbourne Traditionalists interviewed me on my political journey from Liberal Party supporter to the ultra reactionary rascal I...

Helping friends with the red pill

I received this email from a friend: “Serious question: I have good friends who are now entering the red pill process I entered a couple...