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Tag: Reclaim Australia

Scott Morrison calls election for May 18

Scott Morrison has announced that a federal election will be held on May 18. This election could be the most wide open in decades. While...

Who is behind the Campaign Against Racism and Fascism?

Editor: Originally published December 2017. The so-called "Campaign Against Racism and Fascism are gearing up for the arrival of Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern...

Why we should celebrate the legacy of Reclaim Australia

Two years ago on the Easter long weekend thousands of ordinary Australians took to the streets to give those who love our country a...

“Peaceful confrontation is not going to work” – left wing protester

I was stunned to have read one of the most balanced articles I have ever happened to come across from the Sydney Morning Herald. Today,...

Fighting for the Right to Protest

A planned rally marking the 10th anniversary of the Cronulla riots is being blocked by New South Wales Police which has sought an injunction...

Dear Barnesy, get over it.

I realised how old I was getting during the course of a recent, quite amicable, conversation with a representative of the younger generation (perhaps...

Rhetoric and reality

Yesterday's Reclaim Australia rally exposed the disconnect between the rhetoric we hear from particular political groups, and the reality of their actions. The 'high moral...

Amateur photographers converge on Melbourne’s CBD for no apparent reason!

Amateur photographers converged on Melbourne's CBD yesterday for no apparent reason. Some, who had obviously had no formal training, walked around pointing their phone...

Reflections on reports of the ‘Reclaim’ rally

Apparently there were some disturbances in the centre of Melbourne this weekend. As a philosophical type, I've never been one for rushing to the...

‘Reclaim Australia’ rally 18 July

  Photo report: 'Reclaim Australia' Rally, 18 July 2015   Hundreds of police are out in force, and have set up lines to separate 'Reclaim' and counter-protesters.       Danny...