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Tag: Patreon

Clementine Ford goes off the deep end

In news that surprised exactly nobody with a functioning brain, serial misandrist and attention seeking opinion columnist Clementine Ford resigned from her job at...

XYZ Live #48 – Dutton Deports Traitor, Censorship Escalates again and...

Topics discussed: The rash of diversity incidents involving so-called "youths of African appearance" in Melbourne and the video of Neil Erikson's confrontation with #AfricanGangs...

Social media has not poisoned Western society

Here are some common statements about social media: Facebook is toxic, and social media is a cesspit of arguments and abuse. Facebook is owned...

Free speech cat and mouse

Back in the olden days, around, say the late 2000's, something new happened on the internet. A lot of people of my generation discovered...

Thank you for 10,000 Facebook likes, and for Patreon contributions

It is David Hiscox here, editor of The XYZ. I am writing this post to thank all who have contributed to The XYZ smashing...

Free Speech, Google Censorship and Patreon

Editor: MattysModernLife interviews David Hiscox from The XYZ. In this first segment, they discuss the newly launched XYZ Patreon, the fact that Google is...

Wanna Save Western Civilisation? Make Some Art!

It's no secret that 99.999% of the high profile creatives who preach about diversity are politically and culturally aligned a full 100%. At least...

Why do the media cover up for extremists? Part 2

Again and again it happens again. As I observed not too long ago, those observing the antics of Australian journalists are forced to question whether...

The XYZ Now Has A Patreon

The XYZ is expanding, and a key aspect to this will be to change the way we raise funds. Due to security concerns and...