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Tag: Northern Territory

Aborigines demand rent so Lidia can buy another motorcycle

They’re really just testing how far they can push: Australian property owners have been urged to start paying a weekly 'rent' tax to  indigenous groups...

Michael Gunner cannot show his face in public

A few weeks ago in May, recently retired Chief Minister of the Northern Territory Michael Gunner was confronted one Darwin evening by anti-Covid Tyranny...

Captain Crazy Eyes Quits

Those eyes. The Lying Press is displaying pictures of him holding a baby to humanise him. Nice try losers. Everybody knows Michael Gunner is a...


It’s started. They are forcibly putting people in camps. It is happening now. It’s happening. They’re putting people in camps. — XYZ (@itsyourxyz) November 23,...

Northern Territory Chief Minister’s family flees home after he threatened to...

Northern Territory Chief Minister Michael Gunner made international headlines with his astounding announcement last week that anybody whose job involves any contact with the...

Northern Territory Goes FULL COMMUNISM To Save Aborigines

You remember all that stuff I wrote about how Marxists push aboriginal identity politics to undermine Anglo Australian identity with the long term goal...

Waiting for food like dogs at Howard Springs Centre for National...

A TikTok video by Jeremy Longdon is currently blowing up the internet. It shows him and other inmates waiting to be fed at the...

Euthanasia is undignified and wrong

From an anonymous contributor Euthanasia is wrong. However, many Australians have a mechanistic view of human life, and therefore are in favour of euthanasia. If...

NT Govt’s newest CBD app to launch

BarbariaPolitica Months on from the exciting announcement in this year’s budget; the NT Government’s interactive app ‘Where Can I take a Shit?’ went live this...

Michael Gunner, the NT pieman

By popular consensus there are three types of pie; apple, meat and GST Revenue. Serving methods for these three also vary. The meat pie is...