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Tag: Milo Yiannopoulos

Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern in Australia: Will they advocate for...

It has been a big six months for the alt-light in Australia and it is about to get a lot bigger, with Stefan Molyneux...


Sunday, 6th May, saw an important event held in London that next to no major media outlets covered, leastwise the major state broadcaster BBC....

Thought for the Day: Why Adam Piggott is right

A line of Adam Piggott's has stuck in my mind the last couple of days: "The last two speakers to tour Australia who got a...

The Story of the First Feminist

Genesis 3:1-12, Micaiah Imaginative Version: Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made, and...

Have you seen these men?

In the wake of clashes cause by anti-free-speech protestors at the Melbourne leg of Milo Yiannopoulos' Troll Academy Tour on December 4 last year,...

FAQ 12: What is Milo’s role in the Culture War?

In our final discussion of Milo's visit to Australia, we discuss Milo's role as a wrecking ball in the Culture War against the Marxist...

FAQ Ep. 11: What does Milo Yiannopoulos believe?

The XYZ team of Hiscox and Hilton take the opportunity to do something very few in the Australian media are prepared to do: discuss...

Gay Marriage, Milo Yiannopoulos and the Welfare State

Matty's Modern Life and David Hiscox discuss the big events of the last few weeks: The passing of gay marriage legislation in Australia - Without...

FAQ 10: Milo Wrap – Why was Milo important?

Last week, Milo Yiannopoulos' tour of Australia triggered the left wing Australian media, academia and of course, the rabid Antifa and Socialist Alternative scum...

A Conservative’s typical dinner party experience

Sam Vimes This screed was something I forced myself to do, following an evening several weeks ago at a dinner party at which I came...