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XYZ Live #89 – Media Hilariously Rally to Defend Press Freedom!...

Yesterday, the major news outlets in Australia blanked out their front pages to protest two AFP raids on journalists in June this year, and...

Who is behind internet censorship?

Foreword: I never wanted to write this article, but the actions of those responsible for the West’s destruction have become too obvious to ignore...

The media will not be held accountable and nothing will change The Mueller investigation’s findings surprised exactly nobody under the age of 65 who don’t watch networks such as CNN or MSNBC. Now that the...

The Covington Catholic story separates the wheat from the chaff

Virgil Banowetz The reports about the confrontation between Covington High School students, Nathan Phillips, and the Black Hebrew Israelite demonstrators on 18 January 2019 present...

Nine Gobbles Fairfax

Two of Australia's biggest media companies, Nine and Fairfax, will merge to create a media giant: "Fairfax and Nine have announced a $4 billion merger...

Verdict on The Verdict

Channel Nine's new Q&A style show The Verdict has premiered, and, whilst the jury will be out for a few weeks yet, early indications...

Where are the critical media?

Think back, dear reader, and try to find a major event in which the politicians had a massive plan which was not derided by...

Quote of the Day: “Pavlovian conditioned by the EU, the UN...

Monday's Quote of the Day goes to one of our viewers on the Facebook site. The pitched battles between opposing sides on our page...

Our opposition to speech suppression

Paying tribute to the 80s rock band, the XYZ draws together and comprises a diverse and 'motley crue'. We are male and female, urban and...


Not all that long ago one opened the morning papers (there are only two in my city – the Herald Sun, or affectionately the Hun,...