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Tag: Islamic State

Moscow Terror: Clownworld punishes Russians for voting the wrong way

In last weekend’s Presidential election, Russians voted for Vladimir Putin in record numbers. He won nearly 88% of the vote with about voter turnout...

Waleed Aly Defends ISIS Terrorists

In 2016 Waleed Aly minimised the threat of ISIS. Last night on the Project he minimised the threat of allowing ISIS brides and their...

Quote of the Day: Blair on trial, ISIS funder walks free

Gab is for now one of the freest places on the internet. No platform is perfect but if you want real information about what is...

Dutton to deport homegrown terrorist: Could this spark mass expulsion?

How can you say that non-Europeans or non-British people are not Australians? What about the people born here? Are you going to send them...

“‘People are bad. People are evil.’ I don’t buy it.”

The progs are the hardcore side of the lefty coin. The majority of lefties are simple and stupid folk who believe that the world...

ABC’s responsibility to report the news forces it to report news...

Another diversity incident has occurred in Paris, and because their ABC is by definition a news organisation, it has to tell us about it....

The noble art of shaming

No matter what the untalented educated tell you, there is no science of addiction. It is a deceit wrapped up in layers of conceit,...

Mad Dogs and Drone Strikes go out in the ISIS Sun...

Editor's note: Overnight, since the time this article was submitted to us, there has been a commando raid launched against Islamic terrorists in Yemen,...

Mitch Fifield should defund the ABC

The Rebbe There are no more excuses left for Qanda and the ABC: in the last year we’ve seen Zakky Mallah appear on Qanda, a...

See No Evil, Hear No Evil: The Blindness of Our Leaders

It has been a truly awful couple of weeks. The frequency and brutality of Islamic terrorist attacks are increasing almost on a daily basis. It...