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Forgetting Ken Elliott

John Elsegood Dr Ken Elliott should have been an Australian of the Year by now. Instead he is receiving the Raoul Wallenberg treatment. How much longer...

Quote of the Day: Blair on trial, ISIS funder walks free

Gab is for now one of the freest places on the internet. No platform is perfect but if you want real information about what is...

No Vegemite for you: ISIS Brides are not Australian

WARNING: contains graphic content. Apparently every muslim wanting to come back to a Western country from the short lived Islamic State was a cook. From the...

Fuck the Kurds

Back in the 80's, Saddam Hussein gassed the Kurds (apparently) and we all felt sorry for them. Then during Iraq War 1 George HW...

Dutton to deport homegrown terrorist: Could this spark mass expulsion?

How can you say that non-Europeans or non-British people are not Australians? What about the people born here? Are you going to send them...

The Sound of Silence

Somewhere in the hell that has become the city of Raqqa since Islamic State fantatics captured it, a woman dressed in a burqa was...

Breaking News: Malcolm Turnbull replaced by Ahmad Malas!

Breaking news: Malcolm Turnbull has deposed himself as Liberal Party leader and Prime Minister of Australia. In one of the most truly "progressive" moves in...

Quote of the Day: Julie Bishop nails it on IS

Our Quote of the Day goes to the Honourable Julie Bishop, whose words on 12 October 2014, regarding the Islamic State, epitomise much of what...

UN tells EU it should have no choice – Choice belongs...

Well, this report says it all: Basically, the UN and the EU and the IS and the PC want to f-ck us all over. No...