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Tag: global warming

Quote of the Day: The world could end

Quote of the Day comes from the following preamble to a radio interview the ABC conducted today with someone from the ANU. Actually, the...

Global Warming True Believers Consider Suicide Bombing for Attention

The XYZ has spoken to a fictional character in the climate change scientific community, who has expressed concern that not enough people believe in...

Global Warming

… Our global warming masters are very intelligent too They know exactly what it takes to stop us overheating our zoo They’ll save us from disaster,...

Global Warming is a Bigger Racket Than Scientology

In spite of the fact that it undoubtedly has positive benefits, organised religion can sadly become one of the biggest moneymaking rackets in existence....

Australians: you have been told a “Flannery”

Down in sunny Melbourne, over the last few weeks we had: Rain. More rain. And just for a change, even more rain. Hey Flannery, whatever happened...

The Scientific Consensus: Homeopathy & Climate Change – Quote of the...

  Our quote of the day for Sunday 6 March 2016 comes to us by viewer request, and deals with a very important and serious...

Beware of the Ice Age!

Introducing XYZ science writer, Dr Ikbin Depp: Beware the ice age! Capitalist filth are endangering the earth by planning to geo-engineer the atmosphere for financial...

The Positive Impact of Climate Change

A report just published by the scientific journal Nature suggests that global warming resulting from human activity could set back the next ice age...

Scientists warn record breaking El Niño will kill us all!

A bearded scientist, who has been in regular contact with The XYZ, has told us that he and his colleagues are expecting a record...

What really matters 

President Obama was vocal yesterday about climate change, telling his audience that a leader who does not lead in relation to climate change is...