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Tag: football

White Genocide Is Ugly

Mark Collett of The Patriotic Alternative explains how the antiwhite establishment set up three African players to kick the winning goals for England to...

Aussies ignore the Adam Goodes doco

Originally published September 2, 2019. Adam Goodes is the second biggest wanker in Australia. Stan Grant is the biggest wanker in Australia. So when the...

Behavioural Awareness Officers are the KGB of PC Australia

In the Soviet Union (the second most murderous regime of the 20th century) the small group of ideologically driven people who ran the abattoir...

Make Sport MASCULINE Again!

Sport is traditionally the pastime of men, it’s a way for men to bond and train for the protection of the group. However, in recent...

The Cargo Cult of Women’s Sport

Originally published 3/3/2019. During World War Two, while the Yanks and the Japs were wasting time fighting each other when they should have together crushed...

Hey AFL! Bring Back the BIFFO! Brawls make the game more...

Australian Rules Football is the world’s best sport, but the AFL administration have recently done all they could to stamp out the on field...

“Stop the Mosques” Quote of the Day

Last night, a banner which said: "Go Pies! Stop the mosques" was displayed under the scoreboard during the Richmond/Collingwood football match at the Melbourne Cricket Ground. Security...

Death by Chopstick

The AFL and the Richmond Football Club have launched an urgent investigation into the conduct of star player Dustin Martin, who was apparently so...

ISIS Launches Bid for Super Bowl 50

The Islamic State has recently released a propaganda video (below) which is probably intended to intimidate people (I'm not sure as I can't stop...