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Tag: energy crisis

Cost of Living Crisis: Power Bills to rise by 25%

Power bills are set to rise Australia-wide by 20-25% because waterfront property owners’ assets are in danger from sea level rise because people in...

Aussie Trucking Giant Goes Bust

It’s not Toilet Paper War 2 yet, but it’s another data point exposing how brittle our supply chains are: One of the largest trucking companies...

Dictator Dan BRIBES voters: Victorians still flee the state

Democracy is bribery. Daniel Andrews is throwing breadcrumbs to the proles ahead of the November state election in a desperate attempt to retain power: Victoria’s cashback...

Normalising the Collapse

From Patriotic Alternative. Technocracy Watch A recent headline caught my attention and got me thinking. Quoting Belgium’s PM, Alexander De Croo, Business Insider stated that Europe...

Russia cuts off gas: Europe will freeze to save democracy

Russia is helping Europe reach net zero ahead of schedule: Russia has scrapped a Saturday deadline to resume gas flows via a major supply route...

Winter’s coming

From Patriotic Alternative. Johnny Alba “Now is the winter of our discontent” is one of the most quoted lines from Shakespeare’s work. Richard the Third was...

Adam Bandt hates our flag and hates Australia

Never forget that these people hate you and they want you dead: Greens leader Adam Bandt's Australian flag "stunt" has been branded as "virtue signalling"...

Maybe if we turn off the lights the energy grid won’t...

Wait, are you telling me I F—-ing Love Science lied to us? We’re now at the “we just need to turn off some lights” stage...

Australian Energy Prices Set To Explode

Welcome to Weimar Australia: The first signs of the price surge feeding through to household power bills came on Tuesday as the Victorian regulator announced...

INFLATION CRISIS: Aldi to impose 50% price hike

What happens when you impose sanctions on the country which is your primary source of fuel, so they insist that you pay them for...