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Racist anti-lockdown protesters at Melbourne Park burn cross, lynch 3 negroes

Thousands of White Supremacists have descended on the Melbourne Park sports complex this evening to protest the snap, 5 day lockdown which Premier Daniel...

Daniel Andrews masturbates furiously during press conference announcing snap lockdown

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has today conducted a press conference which several eyewitnesses have described as “sickening”, as he announced a snap, 5-day lockdown...

Coronavirus lockdowns are planned to destroy people’s lives and livelihoods so...

Victoria’s so-called “cluster” of so-called “coronavirus” so-called “cases” is now listed by our so-called “government” at 13. People who return so-called “positive” tests are...

Melbourne Traditionalists Podcast: US Election & Coronavirus Tyranny

Mark Moncrieff and I recorded this chat a couple of weeks ago but a quibble has been bugging me ever since. I remain an...

Little boy injured and traumatised by coronavirus test in Australia

Why does a virus that supposedly transmits via breathing require the sticking of a tube up one’s nose into the base of one’s brain? Oh...

Melbourne parodies itself with ridiculous coronavirus propaganda

This is not satire. Seriously, we’re not even making this up. What image does your mind conjure when it ponders the question: “What does a typical...

It’s not that we don’t live in a Democracy: Democracy itself...

Let’s examine the situation today in Australia: Western Australians have lost 71 homes to bushfire, yet they are locked down due to one reported...

Crazy and evil billionaire who wants to microchip the world says...

What the headline said. No need to read the article, as the mainstream media is just poison. Just keep this on file. It’s your XYZ.

They really do want to put us in camps

The Queensland state government is considering using workers’ camps, which had been built last decade in remote parts of the state for liquefied natural...

Videos of empty ICU wards prove coronavirus pandemic is a hoax

Multiple videos are emerging all over the internet of people in England walking through empty ICU wards. Ambulances are lazing outside emergency departments. This obliterates the...