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Tag: climate change

The Climate Rationing Agenda

From Patriotic Alternative. Technocracy Watch In a recent article for the World Economic Forum website, entitled “‘My Carbon’: An approach for inclusive and sustainable cities”, Kunal...

The plague of green elephants

Viv Forbes Today the deluded rulers of the Western world are gifting us and future generations with plagues of Green Elephants – useless, expensive, protected,...

Antarctic Winter to Slam Australia: So much for Global Warming

“It will never rain again. Even the rain that does fall will not be enough to fill our dams and river systems:” - Rebecca Judd,...

Globalism is a Death Cult

Not many people today have any knowledge of the Albigensianism heresy, also known as Catharism. It flourished between the 12th and 14th centuries in...

Barnaby Joyce is right: Scott Morrison is a liar

To the surprise of nobody, it turned out that Barnaby Joyce, the leader of the National Party and Deputy Prime Minister of Australia, called...

Elon Musk says have more babies

I remain convinced that Elon Musk is /our/ guy, working in the belly of the beast. Yeah I know. I want to believe: Tesla and...

Grown Man Cries at COP26 because Coal Hurt His Feelings

I never get tired of using the following phrase to describe the news. This actually happened: Government negotiators from nearly 200 countries have adopted a...

Cannibals Address Cop26: Demand Human Sacrifice To Appease Mother Earth

Trust the Science: A 24-year-old activist from the Brazilian Amazon has called for Indigenous people to be put at the centre of decisions addressing climate...

And the award for Most Insane Climate Hysteria of the Day...

In 2015 we were all supposed to be underwater. So you’re saying that not only should we destroy the world economy on a permanent basis...

Barnaby Joyce Saves Australia From Environmentalist INSANITY

Good news everybody, we have just raced past Israel’s percentage of people who have had their first jab. In your face, jews. The bad news is...