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Propertarianism Won’t Save You

Editor: In the coming days we will publish a variety of articles and videos which discuss Propertarianism, some for, some against. We begin with...

They’re not your children anymore

Reader Moritz alerted me to this article which details a family that was torn apart by the homosexual cult. Parents are suing a Connecticut public...

The Uncuckables: Ep. 16 Christian Emergency

On Thursday we went to air just as Israel Folau was being interviewed by Alan Jones on Sky News. In explaining why he put...

Yes Gentlemen, Decent Women DO Exist – But We Desperately Need...

In recent weeks I have been overcome with sadness for the negative impact my gender has wrought on society. We women have engineered some...

Disempowering the priesthood

The priesthood is one of the three sacred holy orders of the Catholic Church. On average they study for eight years to be eligible...

Nobody must suffer the awfulness of the feel bads

What does conservatism stand for in Australia? It is a question that I ask myself more and more as we slide into an endless...

ABC Propaganda and The Shadow Ministers Comedy Fail

The ABC have given us plenty of propaganda over the years but this was one of the best. The Shadow Ministers took aim at...

A New White Australia Policy: Senator Fraser Anning Makes Maiden Speech

Did the White Australia Policy ever actually kill anybody? How many people were killed as a direct result of the White Australia Policy? When...

Great Britain says no to Syrian Christians

Globalists have produced a glut of documentaries and advertisements about the "diversity" of the Middle East which transmit the message, either explicit or implicit,...

In defence of Jordan Peterson, sort of

There’s been lot of talk here lately about Professor Jordan Peterson, and when I say talk I mean repeated criticism. Some of it has...