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Tag: Australian of the year

Hawthorn Football Club tells fans to shove it.

As the AFL slowly wakes normal people up to the fact that we are living under a corrupt extreme-Left globalist dictatorship, it’s important to...

Aussie footy codes have lost the plot

Apparently the best way to sustain your brand is to deeply insult your most loyal fanbase. On this logic the AFL is bound for...

It’s Poz-vasion Day: Time for the Participation Awards!

Henry Armitage The Australian of the Year Awards, which are sponsored by a bunch of pozzed corporations including a bank and a halal supermarket, have...

Why You Should Love Australia Day

Sometimes it’s hard to love Australia Day. Much as they have with ANZAC Day, the sneering left and the soulless scumbags of big business have...

Rigged: Waleed Aly has been Cheated

It’s fair to say that both I and some of the readers here at XYZ have been speculating on how long Waleed Aly will...

The Most Divisive Australian of the Year

Phillip Scott The Australian of the Year is a prestigious award which is awarded to a person who puts forth an outstanding contribution to our...

Are We Really Taking Domestic Violence Seriously?

Over the last few days, the Australian Government's campaign to address domestic violence has been plastered throughout our local media. The campaign ads at...

Activist of the Year – Dividing the Nation

One wonders if the collection of social engineering zealots responsible for electing the annual Activist (aka. ‘Australian’) of the Year might just have realised... petition – Sam Kekovich for Australian of the Year

Sam Kekovich is an inspiring figure who speaks honestly and assertively. Contrary to the way he is portrayed in left wing media, he is...

Exclusive: Nick Kyrgios named ‘Australian of the Year’

In a leaked document from the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, XYZ has learned that Nick Kyrgios is to be named the next...