The Mercury Embroiled in blackface Controversy

A reporter for The Mercury newspaper has triggered controversy in Tasmania after doing a televised report in blackface. Given her thick Australian accent and red lipstick she is clearly white underneath. I mean seriously, why...

CORONAVIRUS PANIC: Weimar Victoria reintroduces restrictions

The Weimar Victorian government is going to make people wear masks indoors again, limit public gathering numbers and restrict the number of visitors you are allowed to have because a guy in the northern...

Do White Supremacists have magic powers?

Courtesy of Philfy I saw the following quote in The XYZ Telegram chat: We’re well aware that lunatic Marxists have been trying to shoehorn black violence against asians in America into their ultimate boogyman of...

XYZ Live #168 – Tommy Robinson Really Loves Antarctica

XYZ Live starts at about 9:00 PM AEST. Topics include: Tommy Robinson’s special relationship with our special friends. Diversity means other people’s wars are suddenly your problem. No more woke ADF Are the globalists...

BLM InstaTHOT Terrorist Sasha Johnson shot in the head but nobody cares

Instathots are a bane on the Terrorist Marxist left as bad as any on the fake right. Yuck Sasha Johnson has said this: “The White man will not be our equal but our slave.” So aside from dressing...

Jewish groups cast aside their shill Tommy Robinson

Support for the right of the jewish people to remain a majority in their own country only ever goes one way. Any hint that White people should remain a majority in our own White...

Strike 3 – Aliens

I recently wrote about the fact that the orchestrators of the Covid hoax are going to get away with their subterfuge, much like they continue to get away with their lies surrounding the climate...

Dvir Abramovich launches EPIC RANT against immigrants after pro-Palestinian rally in Melbourne

Defamation Commission chairman Dvir Abramovich has launched an epic rant against mass immigration to his dozens of Facebook followers. This was in response to a pro-arab rally held in Melbourne’s CBD yesterday in which...

Parasite calls Aussies parasites

Harry Triguboff is a jew. Before Australia closed its borders due to the fake pandemic, he used his money to bribe the Australian government into maintaining replacement level mass immigration so he could fill the...

In Depth: How Israel Created the European Refugee Crisis

Courtesy of Mike Peinovich from the National Justice Party. The world has looked on with shock and horror at the Jewish bombardment of innocent civilians in Palestine over the last few days. Apparently even Israel thinks...

Guards who didn’t guard when Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself didn’t go to jail

It’s hilarious that they’re black and fat. I’m laughing so hard I can’t breathe. Basically, two black guards who didn’t do their job when Jeffrey Epstein was disappeared from one of the highest security prisons in...

US Government Funded Antifa “Private Spies” Launch Program To Dox Nationalists In 20 Eastern...

Private intelligence outlet Bellingcat is planning a US government backed "anti-fascist" information war against right-wing political activists in Eastern Europe, according to a wanted ad on their website. The program, titled the Anti-Equality Monitoring Project, will focus on the...

Peter Dutton reminds the army that it might need to fight a war

It appears that paying a bunch of whores to flaunt their fat bodies at the recent launching of an Australian Navy vessel was the last straw for Dutton: Through a series of statements to the...

Pointing out a black man said “Kill all Whites” is incitement against black people

Clownworld continues to clownworld. A few days ago some flyers pointing out racism by black people toward White people were posted around the suburbs of Perth. The Lying Press showed footage of one of the...

Federal Government’s “Domestic Extremism” Committee Is Being Run By The ADL and SPLC, Leaked...

The US government's war on political dissent is being guided by private left-wing and Zionist organizations, National Justice can report. An internal document regarding the Pentagon's "Countering Extremism Working Group" (CEWG) from last April names the...

Prime Minister warns foreigners he imported not to import their conflicts

Lakemba became notorious a couple of years ago when police barred Lauren Southern from reporting on the ethnic replacement going on there. About a week ago it made the news again when a foreign...

Tearing off the Covid mask from the Globohomo elite

A few years’ ago I wrote a piece that went somewhat viral around the traps, probably my most read article. It was called, Dear climate alarmists – we will never forgive nor forget. In...

I stand with neither Palestine nor Israel: I stand with My People

I have always been perplexed over Israel/Palestine. Even before I was Redpilled. Why should I care? Why is it on the news? Why is this MY problem? I am not a Muslim. I am not...

The National Justice Party Condemns Israel’s Terror Campaign Against Palestinians

By Warren Balogh and Mike Peinovich, courtesy of the National Justice Party. The National Justice Party condemns the ongoing terror campaign against the Palestinian people by the Israeli government. We further condemn all lackeys and...

We need to put the fear of God into our enemies

One of the main reasons Whites and Christians have no power is because nobody is afraid of us, or the Lord. Until that changes, until those in charge are truly afraid of us and the...