Fake News: Man did NOT punch horse at anti-lockdown protest in Sydney

The XYZ has obtained exclusive footage of yesterday’s brutal slaughter of dozens of NSW Police horses by savage anti-lockdown conspiracy theorists in Sydney. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QULj7MecgaQ Okay we lied. Here is the real footage. Agree Maureen, I'm sympathetic for...

Quote of the Day: We are going to jail ABC journalists for life

Stephen Wells gave a speech today at the World Freedom Rally in Perth today. We will post his speech and a full report on the massive rallies across the nation tomorrow morning. His words to...

A Message For Dissident Youth

From Patriotic Alternative. By Steppanwulf Warrior Ethics and the Heroic Zest for Struggle: Key Characteristics of the New European Vanguard The purpose of struggle can be summed up on the basis of a simple, yet immensely robust,...

St Louis: Murderers Are Being Set Free Because Black Prosecutors Won’t Show Up To...

From National Justice. St Louis' Black Lives Matter supporting circuit attorney Kim Gardner is in hot water again after a judge was forced to dismiss a man's first degree murder charges. In a July 14th ruling obtained by...

The jews fear the Samurai

The jews know they can only push so far against the Nips: “An earthly operation is about to commence. That is an operation to completely overturn the status of rule and subjugate the jews. In...

National Emergency declared over Sydney Sniffles

Apparently the spread of the coronavirus in Sydney constitutes a national emergency. Sydney must resemble a war zone. I imagine news updates are littered with reports of the escalating death toll. Wait a minute, I don’t...

The Lost White Babies

From Patriotic Alternative. By Johnny Alba Abortion can be a difficult subject to talk about, but it is one that very much affects the survival of the white population of the UK. Earlier this year Labour...

Nip Olympics Guy gets SACKED for holocaust Joke

Unlike the European Brother Wars, the War against the Nip Empire was a proper Race War and both sides fought it as such. The Nips beheaded their prisoners, took war brides as booty and...

United States of South Africa: Black FBI Agent Targets White Men, Including Cops, For...

From National Justice. The FBI announced yesterday that it was opening up a federal "hate crime" investigation into Edward Cagney Mathews during a wild Mount Laurel Council meeting. Mathews received national attention after a mob of blacks organized...

What’s going on with the South African riots?

From DNA Nationalism. I’m yet to hear a holistic explanation of what’s going with the South African riots. You certainly won’t hear a good explanation from the mainstream media because they’re not allowed to talk...

When The Hit Pieces Backfire

From Patriotic Alternative. Over the last 48 hours a number of hit pieces about Patriotic Alternative have landed in the mainstream media. We had been expecting this to happen since the end of last week...

The David Hiscox Show Episode 1

Tomorrow evening at 9:00 pm AEST I will be trying my hand at my first solo livestream, to complement Monday night’s XYZ Live with Matty. The focus will be on news, politics and nation. Eventually...

Michigan: Lead FBI Agent In Gretchen Whitmer Kidnapping Case Gets Arrested For Felony Domestic...

From National Justice. Federal prosecutors woke up to more bad news related to their case against Michigan-based militia members who they allege are right-wing domestic terrorists that were plotting to kidnap Governor Gretchen Whitmer. According to court records obtained by...

How to become Informed Catholics

Regular reader Kentucky gent as a newly converted Catholic is struggling to understand the significance of the unfolding schism surrounding the Traditional Latin Mass, particularly as it pertains to him on a personal level. We...

Malcolm Fraser believes Israel deliberately attacked the USS Liberty

Gumshoe News interviewed former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser shortly before his death. Considering the three key points covered in the interview, one wonders if he was done in a little early: He desired...

Jews Enlist US Government To Intervene In Chilean Politics As Palestinian-Descendant Rises To Frontrunner...

From National Justice. Jews in America are demanding the United States intervene in Chile's internal politics in the run up to their presidential election next November. Daniel Jadue, a descendant of Palestinian refugees and member of the Chilean Communist...

Daniel Andrews extends lockdown indefinitely

As always, we all knew the Victorian lockdown would not last five days. What makes this one intriguing is that the Victorian government has not set a definite date for ending it. In other words,...

When will Catholics begin to take their faith seriously?

On my article yesterday regarding the official banning of the Traditional Latin Mass, Bruce Charlton left the following question: But surely it would be very difficult indeed to dislodge so many of the senior priesthood...

Why have British attitudes changed and what can we do about it?

From Patriotic Alternative. By Dr. D. E. Michael Attitudes to the race issue in Britain have changed dramatically over the years. In 1958, 71% of respondents to a Gallup poll were opposed to mixed marriages between...

Harvard Jewish Establishment Denies Cornel West’s Tenure and Compels Him To Resign Over His...

From National Justice. Cornel West, an early advocate of Critical Race Theory which alleges that all institutions are haunted by the ghost of white supremacy, has now learned who really controls Harvard. Earlier this week, the academic pop icon published his...