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French police foil Violent Extremist plot by unknown group!

French police have foiled a planned terrorist attack. Members of an unknown group, clad in a black flag with Arabic script, were planning the attack, in which a police officer would be captured and...

Breaking: XYZ creates new Facebook group!

For those of you who just can't get enough of The XYZ, and believe that there just aren't enough groups on social media, we have started up a new Facebook group, "The XYZ of...

Multiculturalism ‘close to death’ – Academic

Apparently Australian multiculturalism is 'close to death.' Oh, and it's all the Abbott Government's fault... But you already knew that, didn't you? Dr James Jupp, the director of the Australian National University's Centre for Immigration and...

The Guardian Publishes Puff Piece Propaganda pushing Pyongyang Bike Paths

The Guardian draws approving attention to the bicycle friendly workers paradise that is Pyongyang, North Korea. A minor detail, buried right at the end, is that women were banned from riding said bicycles in...

BBC appear unhappy about looming cuts

The British government are doing what any sensible government would do. Cutting an out of control organisation down to size, and insisting the BBC be a public service broadcaster in the public interest, not an...

ABC’s Leigh Sales, Malcolm Turnbull and the ‘XYZ Effect’

The ABC's Leigh Sales and the Minister for Communications, Malcolm Turnbull discuss the 'XYZ Effect'.  

Why ‘the Greens’ silent on Iran nuclear deal?

The only place the Greens seem to be talking about the Iran nuclear deal struck yesterday is in your XYZ's satire department. The Australian Greens appear to have not released any media statements on this...

Greece: one week celebrations, the next violence and riots

Last week I wrote: "As Greeks celebrate in the streets this week over the 'no' vote victory, these celebrations could turn to riots and civil unrest this time next week..." My prediction has come true. But...


As is clear from the exchange below from The Australian's 'Strewth' column, Bill Shorten has a lot of trouble answering simple yes / no questions with anything less than a mind numbingly, long winded,...

BREAKING NEWS: Kim Jong Un to appear on Q&A!

BREAKING NEWS. Reclusive Dear Leader Kim Jong Un, and the deceased star of the cult film 'Weekend at Bernies', pictured here in a rare photo opportunity at a Greens Party fundraiser, are to appear...