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What really matters 

President Obama was vocal yesterday about climate change, telling his audience that a leader who does not lead in relation to climate change is not fit to lead - there the auto-prompter ended, cue...

Ghosts of 1975

What an extraordinary question activist Fran Kelly led with when interviewing government Senator Eric Abetz on today's Radio National. Asked Fran: "Labor is confident that it will have enough support from the cross-bench to pass the...

Never mind the bollocks… It’s the Labor Party!

So the front page news today is that the current Victorian State (Labor) government may have rorted taxpayers by using staff employed in the offices of members of parliament for its much lauded "grassroots...

Windsor amusing old man, Heydon incompetent.

How quickly we forget. Trade Union Royal Commissioner Dyson Heydon QC AC has copped a barrage of cynicism and criticism from people who have grown up in a digital world for the fact he doesn’t...

Taking the fight to Islamic State

While President Obama admits he has no solution to address the rise of the Islamic State, former American, Australian, British and Canadian soldiers are taking things into their own hands. Breitbart reported last week that...

Scientist predicts angry summer: “Socialism is our only hope”

After shivering through its coldest winter in 26 years, a professor says Melbourne now faces its warmest summer in 33 years. The academic stated that although regular predictions over the last few years of...

Europe’s Migrant Crisis, OR the Dystopian SEAMEN Regions’ Crisis?

Obviously it's Europe's fault, so it's the European Migrant Crisis. A bit like global warming which isn't, so it's re-branded as Climate Change. What is driving Europe's migrant crisis? Hungarians rushing to Spain, or...

Sell Out

"The Border Force operation was no mistake, but a deliberate agenda to create fear in the community". So says Tony Windsor, the former "independent" member for the federal seat of New England, who retired and...

The growing threat of political correctness

Brendan O'Neill, the editor of online magazine Spiked Online reckons that Australia is becoming too PC. Furthermore, that increasing political correctness is stifling freedom of speech. O'Neill's views on this current state of affairs can...

At a book burning soon, on a campus near you…   

Students are such delicate petals these days. I fondly recall the tutorial in my University heyday in which a fellow male student used the term 'carnivorous vagina' twice in a discussion on Nietzsche with...