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Germany or Bust

Asylum is not about getting to safety. If it was, you wouldn't see the deaths of people transiting through multiple safe countries, discarding identification, and avoiding registration as an asylum seeker until one arrives...

Stop the Boats – EU style  

One Member of the European parliament has a solution to the migration crisis currently gripping that continent - and it's one Australians will recognise. "What, then, is the solution? Well, one of the first acts...

Green dreams

I've seen a few green hypocrites in my time, but this one is truly breathtaking. Have a listen to this self righteous blowhard lecturing on political donations: "Greens spokesperson Andrew Bartlett said large corporate donations are...

Sad Monday 

St Kilda Football club have announced that there will be no "mad Monday' celebrations for their club this year, come the end of season over the weekend. Whereas, traditionally, players of clubs not taking...

News.Com – Get out of the Fairfax sewer 

What dishonest reporting from News.Com, unfortunately, now all too often swimming in the same sewer of hatred and innuendo as Fairfax, the Guardian, and the ABC. Nowhere did the Prime Minister make the comment attributed...

Let them in

Recent images circulating in social media of a drowned Syrian boy can only have one response: Let them in. Australia experienced this when we saw leaky boats, and then we saw unaccompanied minors on leaky...

Israel’s right to exist: denied

Get this for a quote: "The Palestinian national identity isn't the roadblock to peace in the region. Instead, it's the fact that Palestinians are denied their basic right to exist in peace, freedom and equality...

Ageing hippie regrets everything, says he was young and stupid.

The XYZ has had an exclusive interview with an ageing hippie, who says that the antics of unemployed professional students in recent times has caused him to reflect on how little he really knew...

One twelve foot long please, hold the cucumber

Labor leader "Pie Shop Bill" Shorten stacked on the hyperbole in another psychosis inducing speech at a press conference yesterday. Opined Bill, in mind numbing monotone: "I think we've all been appalled and disgusted...

Say It With A Picture: All Lives Matter

Here is our Say It With A Picture, Thursday morning.  We couldn't agree more.  Lives matter. All lives.