Women and children first


“Women and children first,” said a friend when he saw this infographic (click here) – and you can be sure that he’ll be right, although not in the sarcastic way he intended.

Women and children will be the first to suffer from the swarm of migrants, 75% of whom are
male, hitting Europe. Women – and many teenage (or younger) girls
Screen Shot 2015-09-08 at 3.33.23 PM – will find themselves in danger in their own countries, attacked for wearing immodest clothing, raped because they are second-class citizens in the eyes of the followers of Mohammed.

Is there really any doubt that this will be the case, if not tomorrow, perhaps as soon as next week? Who will be monitoring each one of thousands of men given freer rein to roam their new countries far sooner than is sensible, given so many of them cannot be identified properly – a lack of identity papers and the knowledge that all one has to say is “I’m from Syria
and I need help” is all that is needed to hoodwink officials who have been told by their government to show compassion instead of common sense. (Kevin from Queensland used a similar line not so many years ago, and look at the collective punishment we copped for believing him.)

Even the United Nations doesn’t bother fudging the figures – only 25% of so-called ‘refugees’ are women and children; and who knows how many of those children are actually males who are adult in every sense – physically, m
entally, emotionally – other than being at least 18 years of age. They’re considered to be adults in their own countries, and they will behave like them in their new countries.

As Liberal Democrat senator David Leyonhjelm said on Monday 7 September, while proposing to abolish foreign aid to instead provide funding for refu
gees coming here to Australia: “When you give something the first time, there is gratitude. When you give something a second time, there is anticipation. The third time there is expectation. The fourth time there is entitlement; and the fifth time there is dependency.” To which I would add, “Resentment at not getting more is the sixth step, and violence will precede the seventh.”

Europe, particularly Germany, is going to find out just how quickly it is possible for sweet dreams of inclusion and compassion to become nightmares of hostility and bloodshed.

The women and children will be the first to wake up, but the nightmare will not end when they do.