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Malcolm’s Moderates the new PC term for Violent Extremism

As The XYZ pointed out a little while ago, the term "Violent Extremism" has become both politically incorrect and redundant.  The term combines two adjectives, which are so general that they could be applied...

Quote of the Day: The End of Private Halal Certification

Australian cartoonist and political commentator, Paul Zanetti, has written an extraordinary article, The End of Private Halal Certification in Australia, in which he summarises how the major meat producers of Australia are calling for...

Waleed Wife’s Crusade Against “Hate” and Bigotry

Susan Carland, the wife of celebrity Muslim Waleed Aly has pledged to give $1 to charity for every "hate filled tweet" she receives. According to Fairfax Media, Ms Carland has been forced to donate...

Racists wanted – apply within

Readers of the once august, but now just plain sad, embittered and delusional publication that is the Sydney Morning Herald will have been genuinely shocked and saddened to read this painful blog post by...

Quote of the Day: The Left Hijacks Remembrance Day

Reports have flooded in today of the wailing, sackcloth and ashes which has occurred over at their ABC given that it is, after all, 40 years to the day since the worst Prime Minister...

The passing of Gough Whitlam and the five stages of ABC grief

When American psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross wrote her seminal work On Death and Dying in 1969, she was seeking to meet a deeply felt individual need that had arisen out of her extensive clinical work...

Gough Whitlam: Worst PM Ever

Gough Whitlam is portrayed by "progressives" as having made Australia a kinder, fairer place.  But an examination of his words and deeds proves the opposite. There was a narrative before Gough Whitlam's death, and reinforced...

The Brave New World of “Modern Educayshun”

Can you imagine a place where feelings trump facts? A place where freedom from speech usurps freedom of speech? Can you image a place where 1 + 1 = "multiculturalism" and 3 x 3 = "gender...

North Korea declares war on ISIS

In a stunning development, North Korea has unilaterally declared war on ISIS, vowing to smash the Islamic State in a "glorious battle to save humanity from the scourge of violent extremism." According to one analyst...

The Green Inside Diaries: Christmas Island Riot

The XYZ may or may not have received this exclusive leak from the Australian Greens. We name these documents, "The Green Inside Diaries" "Woke up to the exciting news of a riot on Christmas Island....