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All Bets Are Off

So after the latest election farce across the pond it is clear that the United States is dead and all that is left are various factions fighting over its corpse. I have watched with...

We need lots of Wacos

In April of 1993 a siege of a cult group in Waco Texas ended with their compound burning to the ground as law enforcement and military tried to enter it, resulting in another 76...

Pondering Pontius Pilate

Ann Barnhardt ponders how she would have behaved if she had been present in the crowd that bayed for the death of Jesus. Something that has lingered in my mind since I was a child was...

Practical steps toward creating a parallel society

Ross Pietsch A while back I wrote an article questioning if it is time to 'turn our backs' and create our own separate society within this insane, broken one, run by corrupt politicians that have...

SCANDAL: Fake “Sack Dan Andrews Party” set up to steal preferences

The biggest scandal to hit the Daniel Andrews government so far has just gone nuclear. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGHIetjpkWE&t=215s So-called “preferences whisperer” Glenn Druery has been exposed in a video boasting that he set up the “Restore Democracy Sack...

The Revolution Is Always About Destruction

Originally published May 26, 2020. Earlier today I was on YouTube and I saw a clip entitled "Star Trek Picard Disaster | CBS Admits It Wanted Picard Humbled" by Overlord DVD. “Star Trek Picard was a...

Based Freedom Party candidate called for Daniel Andrews to be HANGED

Yeah so democracy is a sham and women shouldn’t be in politics, but vote for this chick anyway. The Victorian Liberal Party has preferenced Labor behind a woman who publicly called for Premier Daniel Andrews to be hanged,...

Africans vow to keep going to Europe even if nuclear war destroys it

A survey published yesterday has revealed that a startlingly high number of people living in the third world would still try to get to Europe even if nuclear war turns it into toxic sludge. In...

Aussie Cossack confronts Alan Joyce: Qantas CEO unrepentant for banning purebloods

Russian Nationalist Aussie Cossack is out of prison and is back to his best, confronting the powerful over their culpability in the Covid Tyranny which still discriminates against purebloods. Yesterday he uploaded a video of...

The WEF’s Stakeholder Capitalism just got Fried

Tyler Durden While many analysts and economists will be talking for months about the epic downfall of crypto-exchange company FTX and its founder Sam Bankman-Fried, their focus will be primarily on the billions lost, the...