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To Play is To Lose

Stephen Wells recently wrote a piece where he described the extreme vetting process he had to go through to join an Australian nationalist network. Accepted by the group, he then discovered that all of...

Loony Lidia Thorpe PULVERISED for supporting pedo freaks

Gross. Senator Lidia Thorpe attempts to disrupt and silence a women’s rights protest in Canberra, and is dragged away by police. pic.twitter.com/d4ibPUZted — Rukshan Fernando (@therealrukshan) March 23, 2023 She’s on drugs: Independent senator Lidia Thorpe has been...

Christian Lebs BTFO LGBT Pedo Freaks in Sydney

Don’t mess with Christians. Christians push back against pedo freaks in Western Sydney. Leave our kids alone. pic.twitter.com/0M1bTpzWCb — XYZ (@itsyourxyz) March 22, 2023 Pedo freaks hate being outnumbered. This brutal attack on peaceful LGBTI+ protesters should make it...

Boosters kill or injure 1100 for every 39-49 year old saved

Under the false assumption that government data about CoVid hospitalisations and deaths were CoVid hospitalisations and deaths, UK MP Andrew Bridgen still delivers some shocking facts to the UK Parliament. From the government’s own data...

Fag Andrews flies Pedo Freak Flag

Australian politicians are falling over themselves to virtue signal to pedo freaks in the wake of the epic rally on the steps of Melbourne’s Parliament House on Saturday. Victorian dictator Daniel Andrews never lets a...

Our cunning plan to destroy the Liberal Party is working

In just a few days the brave actions of 20 big strong men has changed the face of Australian politics. On Saturday Thomas Sewell’s men became a vanguard against antifa terrorists for the Let...

The Rivers of Blood Speech: What the Papers Said (Part 1)

From Patriotic Alternative. Ben Harrison We all know about Enoch Powell’s ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech and how it was a lost opportunity to stop us from getting to where we are now. You don’t hear as...

XYZ 35: Nuke OnlyFans

David and Ryan return to outline who would die (lawfully) in their respective Reichs. We also discuss Lidia Thorpe's ever changing reasons for leaving the Greens and how simp bucks will never buy you...

The Camp of the Devils

If you are reading this, France is undergoing more riots: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZe6COff3fw "French President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday decided to trigger Article 49.3 of the French constitution, which granted the government executive privilege to push through controversial...

God gives us the rulers we deserve

It’s hard to talk politics with Nationalist atheists and pagans these days without talking about the Bible. The problem is that the only solution to our current predicament is exclusive to this book. As...