Time to show your support for Prime Minister Tony Abbott

Enough with the turncoats and instability. Now is the time to get behind Prime Minister Tony Abbott. Tony Abbott is a man with his fair share of faults. But he is the best person to lead...

The West not to blame for Islamic State

Many media writers and pundits alike are keen, and quick to blame the West for the rise of terrorist organisations like Islamic State and al-Qaeda. But political commentator Daryl McCann rightly asks: "does this self-abnegation...

AFL Breaking News: Crowds cheer and boo at football finals

It has been reported that over the weekend there was entertaining and competitive finals football played. Eddie Betts was widely applauded for his skill and brilliant performance. There were cheers and boos over the...

Germany arouses migrants, but now asks them to stop.

Germany has just announced it is reimposing border controls. One migrant explained "It's a bit like walking in a mini skirt in a Middle Eastern street and then crying "rape," before explaining that "Germany should...

Piers Ackerman sums up “refugee” crisis in single sentence

Piers Ackerman, on the Bolt Report, tees off on the media treatment of the "refugee" crisis, and sums the situation up in a single sentence- "Most journalists in Australia by survey are well to the...

XYZ Exclusive: Mecca Crane Collapse an inside Job! Saudi Arabia plans to invade itself...

The XYZ has interviewed an engineer who says there is "no way in hell" that high winds and a lightning strike could have brought down the crane which killed over 100 at Mecca's Grand...

Achtung, Europe! 

You need to be able to read German (or whatever version of English Google Translate churns out), but the summary is easy enough for anyone to understand - An ISIS terrorist posing as an...

The Corbyn Ascendancy

What fun it was to watch the Twitter stream light up like a Christmas Tree as news broke over the weekend of the Jeremy Corbyn win in the British Labour Party leadership ballot. One...

The eradication of Christians in the Middle East

I have been dismayed by comments made by politicians and media commentators in response to Prime Minister Tony Abbott's flagging last week that the government would focus on assisting Christians and other persecuted minorities...

Food for thought – Don’t SHY away from reality

Most Australians regard South Australian Senator Sarah Hanson Young (SHY) to be an honest reflection of the fringe  power-base which continues to gravitate to the Green Party “democracy”. When SHY’s blubbering, teary and castrative...

Guess whose family owned the crane that fell and killed over 100 in Mecca?

You've guessed it - Osama bin Laden. According to the American media site 'Young Cons', the crane that happened to fall on the Meccan mosque on the 14th anniversary of September 11 is currently leased and...

British Labour Party turns hard left

The British Labour Party, still punch drunk from the pummeling it received at the hands of the Tories in the last general election, is, seemingly, yet to emerge from its post electoral stupor. Today,...


Not all that long ago one opened the morning papers (there are only two in my city – the Herald Sun, or affectionately the Hun, and the Age, or un-affectionately the Aged) over a lukewarm coffee...

Government commits to most powerful navy in history

The Australian Government has committed $70 billion to create Australia's "most powerful navy in history", and includes commissioning eight new submarines and 12 new warships, the Australian Newspaper reported. The new defense 'white paper' will...

How to make a non story a story

The Age seizes on a supposed gaffe by immigration minster Peter Dutton to generate a whole website and several pages of print for its increasingly turgid and unwanted (and unprofitable) copy. It probably gets...

Back to the Future

The Muslim immigrants who supposedly fled persecution for Norway show their gratitude for their new home. How long until the flag is that of Germany, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, England?

Why now?

Let's be frank. War is not new to the Middle East, is it? There's been war and conflict in the Middle East since Adam was a boy. Before the current strife with the Islamic State...

O Captain, my Captain!

It is being reported today that the father of the young boy found tragically drowned on a Turkish beach was not fleeing the war in Syria, but fleeing the coast guard. According survivors of...

EU to change terminology: “benefit seeker” instead of “migrant” to be used

Breaking News: The EU has asked to simplify terminology in the European "migrant" debate. Hence forth, the term "benefits seekers" will be used. All national borders will be abolished. Rail and transport networks will be...

ABC bias: Smears Hungary as “hateful” for protecting its borders

The ABC is at it again, showing is blatant leftist bias as it smears the nation of Hungary today in its reporting of the Syrian migrant crisis. You know when the ABC and other news...