Pauline Conquers 60 Minutes

On Sunday night, the Australian version of the current affairs program 60 Minutes ran an interview with incoming One Nation Senator Pauline Hanson. Two decades ago this same program was an instrumental part of the...

CNN Whitewashes Late White Supremacist Because He Was #WITHHER

In an attempt to to protect the candidate they've invested $411,296 into staying bought this election cycle in official campaign contributions alone, CNN (also known as the Clinton News Network) just published one of...

Same Sex Marriage and the Assault on Democracy

The issue of same-sex marriage has been reignited again in Australia, with the Greens and the Nick Xenophon Team declaring their intention to oppose the Government's bill to enable a plebiscite on the matter...

In Defence of Malcolm Roberts’ Sceptical Views on Climate Change

By Grumblebum After all the hype, hollerin', mocking, sarcasm, innuendo, smear, disparagement and attempts at entrapment by the ABC’s Q&A team, not to mention the left bias of its presenter Tony Jones, let us take...

Quote of the Day: Transparent Treachery in Fremantle

As The XYZ has reported, the marxist local government in Fremantle, WA, has decided not to hold the Australia Day fireworks this coming January 26, so as not to offend people who hate Australia....

Food for thought – Alt-Right uprising in the Anglosphere

Lately, precious little snowflakes throughout the Anglosphere have been squealing like babies with nappy-rash, at the rising reaction against their Communist, Islamophile, feminist, gender-bender, race-baiting treason. After Thursday’s conspiracy screech against the alt-right by ailing...

What happened to 70 percent, Mr Shorten?

So, let's get this straight, so to speak, right from the start. Until a few days ago, Labor and the Greens, and advocates of same-sex marriage in general, were against a plebiscite on same-sex...

The Islamisation of Europe Part 3: Will you be John Galt or Dagny Taggart?

This article was initially published on September 27, 2015. In part 1 of this series, I summarised Europe's changing demography, that it or parts of it, are well on the way to becoming Islamic majority...

Why the Plebiscite Should Take Place

From an anonymous contributor. The answer to this one should be a piece of cake: the plebiscite on same-sex marriage should take place because Turnbull promised one if his side got re-elected, and his side...

What kind of animal s— on Hillary Clinton’s doorstep?

I once heard an amusing anecdote about late F.B.I. Director J. Edgar Hoover. He came out of his front door one morning to find to his horror some kind of animal droppings on his...

The coming Islamisation of Europe part 2: Where would the Europeans go?

This article was originally published on September 12, 2015. In part 1 of this series, I discussed the following scenario: Europe's demography will shift dramatically in coming decades so that its indigenous population is no longer...

Hell Freezes Over as The Spectator Channels Mother Jones

I used to like The Spectator. It was my favourite political periodical after the sadly defunct Bulletin. It could always be relied on for genuine conservative coverage with an emphasis on the U.K. 'Used...

Fremantle’s un-Australian Scrapping of Australia Day

The harbour city of Fremantle in Perth, Western Australia, has announced that it will scrap plans to celebrate Australia Day in 2017 with fireworks. In statement to the media: "The City will instead be presenting a family-friendly...

The coming Islamisation of Europe, and the flight of the Europeans (part 1)

This article was originally published on September 5, 2015.  A lot of discussion in recent years has centred around that the fact that Europe, demographically, is finished. Indigenous Europeans, whether they be Germans, Italians, Britons,...

A class act? You Betts

Chips O'Toole Just what inspired Adelaide forward Eddie Betts’ wonderfully compassionate call for forgiveness towards the fan who hurled a banana in his direction at the weekend, a response so at odds with the increasingly...

Food for thought – Leftists on perpetual lap of lunacy

Yesterday your XYZ received another ripper comment from a valued reader. Ben O’Neill responded to this article by posing the apt comment and question: It's funny they shut down greyhound racing because of a few...

Mack Horton: A great Aussie name in every sense

Chips O'Toole The Rio Olympics are over, and despite the suggestions the Australian team has underperformed, there have been some remarkable stories of success. Whatever arbitrary medal targets our athletes have supposedly fallen short of, the...

Food for thought – Katter calls for shutdown of Middle Eastern immigration

After yesterday’s vicious stabbing attack at a Townsville backpacker hostel by a terrorist enthusiast yelling “Allahu Akbar”, the Honourable Member for Kennedy, Bob Katter, has vigilantly struck back by calling for a shutdown of...

The stitch-up of the Australian Federal Police

By Adam Piggott Step one in how to compromise and subvert a public organization such as the Australian Federal Police – announce a study entitled, "Cultural Change: Gender Diversity and Inclusion in the Australian Federal...

Thought for the Day: Little Earthquakes

Right now, as you read this, somewhere in the world, a "progressive" is making the argument that because people die in earthquakes, you are a racist for being concerned about terrorism. Photo by EU Humanitarian...