SJW’s increasingly imploding

These are strange times, when the Alt Right, and media like the XYZ, are coming good on their promise to offer an alternative to the progressive mainstream media narrative. It feels that we might be...

In memory of Senator Conroy

Today, the former Minister for Wearing Underpants on his Head, Labor's Stephen Conroy, announced his intention to quit parliament. No doubt he will be replaced by someone further to the left, more beholden to left-wing...

Divisiveness: Let’s have more of it!

By Darryl Few, if any words, are used so repetitively and effectively to silence free speech. We should not have this debate because it is "divisive"? What a ridiculous statement! To merely have a debate...

The one main reason you must stop voting for the Liberals

Malcolm Turnbull’s little coterie of leftist lickspittles have been starting to question their faltering messiah. Even Nikki Savva, the toxic, snobbish, nepotistic dwarf who serves as Lord Malcolm’s court jester, is probably spending her nights...

ACT Green Continues Proud Socialist Tradition of Privately Benefiting from Policy that He Publicly...

Despite hysterically pointing fingers at Howard's battlers, and framing them as fat cat investors for having the audacity to squeeze young people out of the housing market by negatively gearing modest investment properties, it...

Canadians fear tidal wave of US liberals if Trump wins

The prospect of Canada being "swamped by American Democrats" in the wake of a potential Donald Trump victory in the US Presidential Election in November, has this month triggered a surge in xenophobia in...

How the bloody hell is the plebiscite unfair?

Grumpy Motorist's latest rant is in response to this meme, featured on the Facebook page of Equal Marriage Rights Australia: How is it unfair? You actually get a say in the process of law changes. How is...

Quote of the Day: Cicero still nails it

Tuesday's Quote of the Day was suggested by an XYZ reader. One has to admit, the XYZ readership are a cluey bunch. Let me pose this question: to which modern Western leader do you think...

Selling our Children’s Future: Labor-approved projects only

Today is a big one in Canberra. The Coalition party room has voted to send a bill to parliament, seeking approval to hold a plebiscite, which itself will seek approval from the Australian people for...

Mediocrity vs Equality

Now that the Olympic Games are long over and forgotten, we must remember the sneering hate-mongers that came out to play and attack athletes because they won, or didn't win, or had the audacity...

Shock Footage Reveals That Hillary Clinton is Transitioning into an Austrian Man!

Infowars reporter Paul Joseph Watson was vindicated in the past 24 hours as being more perceptive than... well... all of the mainstream journalists who've been caught napping in regard to Hillary's health for months....

Clinton breaks 100m sprint record – Kim Jong Un gracious in defeat

In a remarkable recovery, Hillary Clinton has virtually come back from the dead after collapsing at the 9-11 Memorial on Sunday. Sporting some slick shades, she later appeared to tell reporters she was feeling great. Naturally,...

Quote of the Day: What is Terrorist for “I need a Psychiatrist”?

A man is in police custody in Sydney tonight, having been charged with committing a terrorist act and attempted murder. (Who knows why he did it.. Perhaps he just didn't like dogs...) Although the media...

What is a martyr?

This article was originally published on September 11, 2015. I have often been struck with disgust whenever I hear Muslims refer, or are reported as referring, to suicide bombers or jihadis who commit suicide attacks...

Interview with a Vampire

I recently had the chance to dine with the new companion of a friend who is recovering from stupendous depression. She is a psychologist who is still employed for purposes such as helping people...

The Political Pendulum

By Phil Scott The average Westerner is growing tired of being bullied by the Left. There has been a growing uprising of ‘extreme right-wing parties’ in countries most affected by the oppressive policies of the...

Watch out lefties, we’re playing by your rules now

When I heard Federal Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi open up an attack, in Parliament, against Labor Senator Sam Dastyari, barely at the start of this week, regarding his connections to Chinese business interests, I...

Sam’s a Muslim for Q&A on Mondays, and a secular lefty Tuesday to Sunday

You can say many things about Pauline Hanson, but her bull**t and treason detectors seem bang on with Slimy Sam Dastyari. Many of us were fooled by his moderate Muslim schtick. Some of us...

The Right is for rights, so don’t blame burkini ban on us

Chips O'Toole Yes, all right, you Islam apologists of the Left. We’ll give you this one: the burkini ban was an utterly ridiculous idea – perhaps even more ridiculous than the idea of the burkini...

Filipino President Calls Obama “Son of a Whore”

Today's XYZ Quote of the Day goes to Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte, who minced no words today in branding the President of the United State, Barack Obama a "son of a whore." The remarks made...