A Ryan Rant – Episode 57 (Enlist In Your Local #RWDS)

Lately more and more White folks have been waking up from their cosmopolitan anaesthesia, which has been inducing mindless applause for their own demise. Considering kosher culture corroders and ardent “anti-racists” and “anti-fascists”, have actively...

Thought for the Day: Fight the enemy here, not over there

Yesterday Vox Day responded to Teresa May's new anti-terrorism program, in the wake of the latest Islamic terrorist attack in London. When I say responded, I mean tore it to shreds. You can read it...

So it happened again, who’s surprised?

So it happened again. Another attack in London, another half dozen or so broken bodies in pools of dark red ooze. More families ripped apart, more parents mourning lost children, more pain, more anguish. Hands...

Fairfax Lets the Mask Fully Slip on their Lack of Journalistic Fundamentals and Integrity

"This, of course, is the basis of much journalism today. The reporter keeps themselves out of the story, does not blatantly offer their opinion, and, having presented the information to the audience as impartially...

Thought for the Day: What everybody is thinking

Everybody is thinking it. When is it going to happen? I'm not talking about the big one, the big terrorist event. That's not going to happen. I mean, it is possible that there will be...

The arrogance of migrants who lecture Westerners about “diversity”

This week I got really pissed off. As I was preparing for publication Moses Apostaticus' masterful essay Diversity Macht Frei, I was introduced to an April 21 article by Ruby Hamad, an Alawite Muslim who...

Open Letter to Peter Fitzsimons

Dear Peter Fitzsimons AM, I read your recent article about Margaret Court. In it you propose to rename Margaret Court Arena for the reason that she has stuck to her own value system regarding marriage,...

Why do the media cover up for extremism?

Recently three right-wing activists, including the larger-than-life Blair Cottrell, attended court in Melbourne to answer charges of offending Islam. Naturally, this being Melbourne, two dozen protesters managed to take time off work to stand...

Quote of the Day: The XYZ Mole Strikes Again

The XYZ has built up a network of brave conservative spies in Australia's socialist education system, who have provided us with some valuable information, all of it shocking, none of it surprising. From time to time...

A Grumpy Thought: Boycott Australia Post

Australia Post should be boycotted, and the use of couriers or other postal services like Officeworks should be utilized more. When a service charges you more and gives you less, that's not a good or...

Will the Next Big Clash of Civilisations be Islam vs. Marxism?

A sprawling engorged government that was unelected by the overwhelming majority of of those that it presides over. A system that micro-manages day to day life in a group of formerly sovereign nations. A...

Do the world a favor and break a lefty’s glasses

Apparently some sniveling low-life Guardian propagandist got his glasses broken by a Republican candidate over in Montana. The loathsome nerd went on a rampage of crying and wailing and feeling hard done by, while...

Quote of the Day: #NotAllOrcs memes are churning out of /pol

The autists who saved America at the 4chan board /pol are attempting to save Europe via their usual meme magic. Their latest trick has a special place in my heart, given that one of...

Griffin Goes to the Gulag

See comedians? This is what happens to those who capitulate. This is why it's simply impossible to bargain or reason with the white noise of Cultural Marxism. It must not be allowed to proliferate...

Food for Thought – You Can’t Spell Aryan Without Ryan, #HailWhitopia

Lately I’ve been undergoing a strict diet of White Pills (naturally taken with a glass of milk) in order to purge myself of any poisonous (((Black pills))) subverting my senses. What I have come to...

MattysModernLife: Taxation is Theft

All intelligent people opposed to Marxism understand that Taxation is Theft. This idea should be transmitted far and wide to as many people as possible. MattysModernLife has done so, by making the case in...

Quote of the Day: SBS is a Trojan Horse

One striking memory of an SBS bulletin in recent years was an Australia Day when they dutifully reported on the festivities and formalities enjoyed by normal Australian, immediately followed by a report which breathlessly informed...

Straight to the Point: KKK vs Islam

I love this argument, because it just screams; "We are clutching at straws, and can't fathom the possibility that we are wrong: One was contained mostly within the United States, and although it was formed after...

Let Quadrant go down in flames

It’s been an interesting week on Catallaxy files, a site where I spend too much of my time but where I get inspiration for many of my posts, this one being no exception. The...

Words Fail Me

Words alone fail me. So I drew a comic. Yep, it's been that kind of week. Hug your loved ones and pour yourself a cup of xocolatl tonight. - Time for other news. And it can be...