The collapse of the EU and the re-emergence of a true European identity

Editor's note: This article was originally published on May 15, 2016. One of my better attempts, I thrash out the idea that European identity is based on both one's nationality, and one's European identity,...

Food for Thought – Drawing Delight From Disdain

For some time now, I have enjoyed riling up humourless “Have-Nots” (whom, from what I can see, lack the capacity to derive any joy from life) with my amateur cartoons. Growing up I used to...

Old Australia: 1979 VFL Grand Final

One of my favourite nights of the year is the night before the AFL Grand Final, when Channel 7 hold the Grand Final Marathon. They play the same classics every year; every year we...

How Laughing About Islamic Terrorism Can Help Our Cause

Comedy is good, but only if the correct, approved people do it, and if it's not that funny. We don't want to go too far, do we. I'm talking the Project, I'm talking Will...

Magic dirt thinking and Western values

During my time spent living as a rafting guide in Uganda I had many unusual and extreme experiences to say the least, (documented in my hilarious and gripping first book, Pushing Rubber Downhill. Buy...

Thought for the Day: Meaningless guestures to wipe away “white privilege”

If we can light candles and use Facebook filters to let go of the rage we should feel, and the revenge we should be planning, against Islamic terrorists, why can't minorities and SJW's do...

Western values vs Western identity

I checked in with Bill Whittle's site today, and the old Trifecta crew are still struggling to come to terms with the idea that to save our civilisation we might have to let go...

Food for Thought – Kosher Tabloid Cancer

Recently the typical tabloid presstitutes at A Current Affair, ran this Semitically infused hatchet job, on behalf of (((B’nai Brith))), against based Daily Stormer sponsor Smerff Electrical: This segment perfectly portrays how the (((chosenites))) turn...

Dear Saudi Arabia: Screw your culture

Official explanations of "cultural misunderstandings" between the West and the East which are even more insane, more insulting, than the initial act themselves, used to happen only from time to time. An old favourite of...

Weak professors translates to weak degrees

There are so many trending stories of anarchist insanity from undisciplined students on college campuses that it almost seems to fade into the background, like a white buzzing noise. Kind of like, oh, I...

Food for Thought – Far Out 5: F-ck Off We’re Full Edition

Following the latest instalment of the FarCry franchise, many in the White Pilled noosphere have been discussing the intention behind Ubisoft’s elevation of a White Christian version of ISIS. FarCry 5, which positions White Christian...

A tale of two ministers

Once upon a time there was a cabinet reshuffle in Australia. A man named Turnbull had just become Prime Minister, for reasons we won’t discuss here, and decided to reward his supporters with new portfolios...

Quote of the Day: It’s ok to punch a communist in the balls‬

‪Some comments from XYZ contributor Ezra Christensen with regard to the Antifa attack on Andrew Bolt give us some food for thought:‬ ‪"‬It's true that the attackers will plead that their intention was not to...

The Anniversary of D-Day

Today is the anniversary of D-Day. "The eyes of the world are upon you. The hope and prayers of liberty loving people everywhere march with you." D. Eisenhower. If only our Western political leaders, the ones in...

Saudi Arabia big bully or did Qatar have it coming?

On Tuesday a massive diplomatic event occurred in the Middle East. Seven nations; Libya, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, The Maldives and Yemen, have cut diplomatic ties with Qatar. It has come as a surprise,...

Quote of the Day: CNN is Fake News, Again

When they're not concocting connections between the Russian government and Donald Trump's election team, CNN are busy propagating the #NotAllOrcs fallacy. The Fake News Network have been caught red handed fabricating a protest by Muslims...

A grumpy thought: Two main threats to innocent people

There are two main threats to innocent people in the world: 1. Islam 2. Those morons who think it's not Islam. For those in the above two categories. Do the world a favour and go drown yourselves,...

Pauline Hanson draws picture, lefties explode

So apparently Pauline Hanson is evil again. After the recent London attacks the Metropolitan Police advised citizens with a snazzy infograph to “Run, Hide and Tell” if people for some random, totally undeterminable reason decide...

The feminization of our workplaces

Last week a passenger on a flight out of Melbourne attempted to break into the cockpit of the plane while claiming that he had a bomb. He was chased around the plane by other...

A Ryan Rant – Episode 57 (Enlist In Your Local #RWDS)

Lately more and more White folks have been waking up from their cosmopolitan anaesthesia, which has been inducing mindless applause for their own demise. Considering kosher culture corroders and ardent “anti-racists” and “anti-fascists”, have actively...