The noble art of shaming

No matter what the untalented educated tell you, there is no science of addiction. It is a deceit wrapped up in layers of conceit, a fanciful wish fulfillment ‘get out of jail free card’...

A Grumpy Thought: Triple J off air, Australia rejoices

Triple j went down for an hour this morning and mass leftist screaming followed. Was it due to: A. Technical malfunction? B. ABC got defunded? C. Radiohead’s newest experimental track? Whatever the cause, we can safely state it...

Our Speech is Violence, Their Violence is Speech

The following quotation is a short excerpt from a recorded prison podcast with Christopher Cantwell (aka inmate 631424) who currently remains in custody at the Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail. Christopher Cantwell is an outspoken Alt-Right media...

Joyce ruling could change everything in an instant

The High Court has issued its verdict on the dual-citizenship plight of National Party MP and leader Barnaby Joyce, declaring he was ineligible for office when elected. He now faces a by-election battle against...

Winter is coming Down Under

In a recent email someone accused me of fleeing Australia. I thought that this was a little over the top, but then again the chap was a leftie and they have a tendency for...

Quote of the Day: “Alternative” is now Mainstream

It has been a big day on The XYZ. Lucas Rosas' excellent exposé of the communists embedded in the Australian education system has struck a chord with readers, receiving a tonne of likes and...

Culture is race

Editor: Another encore exploring the topics of race, culture and ethnic nationalism, this time from Adam Piggott. This article by was originally published on 14/11/16 at, where Adam blogs regularly and brilliantly. My piece on...

Exposed: the Communists teaching your children

So, Communists are teaching our kids. Not “reds under the bed” or figments of an over-active imagination but actual old fashioned Marxist-Leninists working towards revolution, civil war, social destruction and a totalitarian state. And the people...

Food For Thought – May Marx’s Minions All End Up Like Allende

Routinely, I’m sent memes of Uncle Adolf blowing his brains out with the wording “Follow your leader” underneath it by triggered Trots. For those unfamiliar with this meme, it has been floating around for decades,...

The lies of modern advertising

Progressive academics have made tremendous contributions to our ability to see through the lies and manipulation embedded in advertising. Leftist critiques inform us that advertisements trigger our emotions, impulses and our deepest fears to override...

Quote of the Day: Leaving the Antifa cult

nEwS.cOm have managed to print something half decent, by publishing a testimonial from a former Australian Antifa member. It offers us a glimpse at the danger Antifa poses to Australian society, and the darkness...

White Nationalism Defeated National Socialism

Editor: Yesterday, in response to a challenge to clearly define pro-white nationalism and demonstrate how we are to avoid tragedies of the past, we published a work by Moses Apostaticus defining Australia as an...

Banned on Facebook for saying there are only two genders

Editor: We all know that Facebook are evil. Well, Facebook are also stupid. MattysModernLife has been handed a one month suspension from Facebook for saying that there are only two genders. Time to move...

Viewer Poll: Should Melbourne secede from Australia?

Since the Brexit referendum in 2016, the momentum of secessionist movements has been building across the West. The most notable of these are in Catalonia and the Basque country in Spain, Scotland in Great...

A girl strikes back at systemic misogyny – you won’t believe what happens next

You’re a young woman, walking down the streets of Amsterdam, enjoying the sunshine whilst attempting to not go run over by a tram as you check your privilege on your latest app. But then...

Let The Pharaohs of Our Age Also Learn: Pride Comes Before a Fall

David Hiscox recently posted about the XYZ team’s growing affection for the term ‘Unintentionally Hilarious’. David then went on to define this as: “When someone on the left is so blind to their own bias that...

Hans-Hermann Hoppe Supports Calls For An ANTIFA Extermination Order

Hans-Hermann Hoppe, the German-born American Austrian School economist, renowned Libertarian Anarcho-Capitalist philosopher and author of “Democracy: The God That Failed”, has recently issued a 10 point plan for his radical agenda. Point 6, which supports...

White men are indeed the problem, but not in the way you think

A fascinating speech from Hans Hermann Hoppe on the subject of the alt-right. I will be referring again to this speech in the future but for now I wish to comment on a particular...

“Euthanasia” safeguards acknowledge that “slippery slope” is a thing

Murder took a step closer to being legal in Victoria today, with "euthanasia" legislation passing the lower house of Victoria's parliament. What I have found fascinating in recent months whenever I have heard it...

Left Wing Party

Editor: If you live near the centre of one of Australia's major capitals and you are a fan of XYZ, this may very well be something you have to look forward to tonight: "People like...