The Mis-Information Age

During the course of my short career as a commentator, I’ve wrestled with the questions of what makes a progressive think the way they do, and how do progressive ideas spread through the culture...

Say it with a picture: Diversity for whom?

State School Spy Here is the latest offering from our State School Spy. The picture was taken on March 13, 2018, and it was placed in a kitchen at a state school. SSS has this...

Is Stephen Hawking dead and now played by an actor?

This article was originally published on July 7, 2017. We couldn't resist the urge for an encore... Ask the ordinary man on the street who has little interest in the world outside his own...

There is no such thing as free trade

Trump’s steel tariffs are sending the world’s bow-tie brigade into total meltdown. Free trade is their Gospel and anything that challenges it is literally worse than Hitler. The globalists have been ramming free trade...

The Wheels Fell off the Kart

The wheels fell off the kart And all the children, they could see To get the damn thing going again Reattaching them was the key.   So, they went and asked the Greens To help them fix their bender, But the...

Why elections don’t change anything (much)

Ever wonder why it doesn’t seem to matter who’s in power, things always keep moving in the same direction? Ever stop to ask yourself why, after the supposedly “social conservative” John Howard had been in...

Poll: Should sporting teams boycott South Africa in protest against White Genocide?

In the 1960's, communists used the pretext of "racism" (a word invented by Marxists to convince white people to kill themselves) to institute sporting and economic boycotts against apartheid South Africa, a key bulwark...

The United Kingdom’s Future: Dystopia or Britannia

Arthur Dane When the British ruled India, they looked harshly upon the practice of "sati" or burning the widow alive on the funeral pyre of her deceased husband. When one British overseer by the name...

XYZ Live #7 – Free speech in Britain, Jordan Peterson Australia, South Africa, and...

Topics covered in tonight's livestream include: Britain's continued descent into tyranny with the detaining and refusal of entry to Martin Sellner and Brittany Pettibone Why it is ok to embrace identity politics with regards...

Hilarious protests in Europe against ethnic cleansing by ethnic cleansers

Train stations in London have been shut down due to protests by one group of people from the Middle East complaining about another group of people from the Middle East: "Services at London's King's Cross...

The Crisis Enablers and the Cult of Charity Porn

Sam Vimes XYZ published a piece last week decrying the false reporting, the refugee industry and crisis-driven guilt that the average Westerner is saddled with almost weekly. It’s a topic that I’ve had in the...

Death and Equality

The other day I heard Saint-Säen’s Danse Macabre on the radio while driving to work. It is the ‘dance of death’. If you watch this video, you’ll see art from the Middle Ages that depicts...

Gun Ownership, Responsible Border Control, Abortion & Sinless Spheres

The other day I commented on a post put up by a friend, who was applauding the increasing number of people supporting DACA “dreamers” and gun control in the United States. In the comments...

Head in the sand

Sam Vimes Is it better to bury one’s head in the sand and be happy, or to keep one’s eyes open to the insanity around us and live in anger and frustration? That’s a difficult...

Poll Result: 90% of Australians think children should not be allowed at Mardi Gras

In a poll which tallied nearly 5000 votes, 90% of respondents to The XYZ's latest Viewer Poll opposed children being allowed at Mardi Gras. Or to put this another way, most sensible Australians think...

Killing your own spiders – a look a Toxic Female Privilege

March 8th was International Women’s Day, which makes this week a very logical time to discuss Female Privilege, muse on how it came to be part of our society and exactly who is it...

Jordan Peterson in Melbourne: God, Christian Heritage and South Africa

On Thursday night I saw Professor Jordan Peterson speak at the Melbourne Recital Centre for the Melbourne leg of his tour promoting his book 12 Rules For Life. The punters crowding the foyer were...

Qantas turns jumbo around due to bad words

Islamodacity QF-LGBTIQ bound for London from Sydney was turned back over Perth today, after a mother was heard saying the word "cockpit" to her son. A Qantas stewardess overheard the word and could not find a...

Why Democracy Always Fails and How to fix it – with Animation

As Winston Churchill once stated, “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others” and he wasn’t wrong. Democracy fails, it always collapses eventually due to human nature. The US and Australian founders...

Thought for the Day: Jordan Peterson followed the Golden Rule

Tonight I saw Jordan Peterson speak at the Melbourne Recital Centre, along with several thousand other good looking and intelligent Melbournians (we do exist). Expect a review of the event on these pages tomorrow...