‘The Soldiers don’t fight for freedom!’ Really?

Samuel Medici I happened to be one of those few and proud individuals of this fair land that can say that they’ve sacrificed an enormous amount of time and energy in the service of our...

Quote of the Day: Clementine Ford and the F-wit Fairy

This was a great interview Liberal Democrats Senator David Leyonhjelm did on ABC Weekend Breakfast in March: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=O-TK4ozahQU&ebc=ANyPxKo46mjGG5JrCaHubYGlgVOWl_J50c6IOaF1ruE5b303cbHo-T7YBYS5OGLotNzQlBmC54w7bPAcbkvMl6X7X3bA6N6VHQ The ABC's Andrew Geoghegan made us suspect that he was a bit of a communist when he referred...

Immigrants from other nations and cultures display shocking lack of diversity!

Here is a deliberately obfuscative satire from June 15, 2015. It is a good indication of what was at the time the author's rejection of multiculturalism, but also a growing frustration with civic nationalism....

Immigration & The susceptibility to Marxist thought

Samuel Medici Before a conversation can be had about Australian immigration - or just about any other topic for that matter - there is a serious acknowledgement that needs to be made. That is, that...

Viewer Poll: The Danes just banned the burka – should Australia ban it too?

The Danish parliament passed a law this week banning full Islamic face coverings, following the lead of other European countries such as France, Austria, Belgium and Latvia. The ban appears popular in Great Britain...

Serial pest’s courtroom showdown with Sonia Kruger will further fuel white resentment

In order to not get put in prison for thought crime, citizens of the West are required to publicly hold to the following contradictory statements: White people invented the concept of race as a...

Show Me the Man and I’ll Find You the Crime

It’s time to have a serious talk about liberals, not just the lunatic left, but the useful idiots across the liberal spectrum. There’s something about the responses I’m seeing on social media this week...

America’s racial power imbalance

This article was originally published on May 24, 2018 at https://pushingrubberdownhill.com/, where Adam Piggott publishes regularly and brilliantly. You can purchase Adam's books here. My article on the nigger, (nigga?) word has proved prescient, specifically this...

Migration: Then and now

Samuel Medici It’s fair to say that immigration into Australia needs to come to a dramatic pause if for no other reason than the inability of the nation’s - namely Melbourne’s - infrastructure to cope...

The ABC knows: We’re going to shut it down

Pauline Hanson's genius demand to hold a public inquiry into the competitive neutrality of the ABC has sent the communists at the ABC and Fairfax into fits of apoplexy, with an article by Tony...

Just another reason to #NukeMelbourne: 001

Rumour has it, if you turn your face to look back at Melbourne as you drive down the highway to Geelong, you get turned into a pillar of salt.. This is a new segment, and...

XYZ Live #18 – Free Tommy Robinson, Melbourne Protests, Venezuelan Migrant Crisis and more

David Hiscox and Matty's Modern Life were joined again by El Dia Opina to discuss the big events of the last 72 hours. Given we have frequently discussed the fact that Great Britain is descending...

Australians rally for Tommy Robinson

Yesterday, rallies were held in major Australian cities in support of Tommy Robinson, who was arrested while reporting on an Islamic rape gang in Yorkshire on May 25. In Melbourne, a crowd estimated at 250...

The UK on the Brink

What stands out most about the history of the British peoples is the calibre of its leaders and thinkers, truly great men and women who understood the inherent value of the culture they were...

#FreeTommy rallies to be held in Australia today

Today, Monday 28th of May, rallies will be held at British consulates in Australian capital cities in support of Tommy Robinson, who was jailed for 13 months while reporting from outside a courthouse in...

Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern in Australia: Will they advocate for white identity politics?

It has been a big six months for the alt-light in Australia and it is about to get a lot bigger, with Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern announcing that they will be visiting Australia...

Quote of the Day: Tommy Robinson Redacted

The arrest and jailing of Tommy Robinson has for the time being put the UKSSR as the narrow leader, just ahead of Sweden, of countries jostling with each other to eradicate themselves first. His...

How to stand up to bullies and stop bullying from happening

When it comes to countering bullying, there are several schools of thought on the matter. One approach is to use bullying as a pretext to force feed a Marxist doctrine to school children which ironically...

Thomas isn’t Going Anywhere, But Childhood is

I spend a (probably) unhealthy amount of time reading and attempting to understand the world we live in. I’m reminded often by those who know me that this is a pointless exercise, that it’s...

Wang Show 0020: Special Big Donation Thankyou Show

Our introductions for The Wang Show generally go along the lines of "Once you get past the dick jokes, Vic makes the following key observation about immigration or the fallacy at the heart of...