Is Anning supporter facing politically motivated charges?

Every effort has been made by the political-media establishment in this country to destroy Fraser Anning, and each time they try they fail spectacularly. Membership registration in Fraser Anning's Conservative National Party is going...

Food For Thought – Trolls Is How I Rolls

Depending on who you ask I’m a number of things beyond a mere humble aged care worker moonlighting as a cartoon character. For certain U.S. based “hate stops here” operatives, receiving government subsidies to...

XYZ Live #62 – Everybody Hates Vegans and Melbourne Soy

Great mirth was had last night at the expense of the goofy vegans who thought it would help their cause to annoy all of Melbourne. Speaking of Melbourne, we got stuck into the Melbourne...

Who will you choose to marry?

Apparently Gillette is now pandering to the fat feminist market. — Gold-Senpai (@JakeSenpaiLives) April 4, 2019 On the surface this sort of thing is ridiculous, tragic, and very mockable. But it goes deeper than that, very...

UAE detains “British” woman over Facebook post: BBC suddenly cares about free speech

The globalist establishment are currently sweeping all opposition to their rule from the internet in an orgy of censorship, to the vocal approval of the globalist media. In 2017 the BBC bemoaned the fact...

Alleged Illawarra Muslim Islamophobic Attacker Must Go Back

If anybody needs me today, I'll be drunk. From the ABC: A New South Wales man has been charged with terrorising a family at a picnic in what police will allege was a suspected Islamophobic incident...

Book Review: The Myth of German Villainy

I turned 55 earlier this year. For the preceding 54 years of my existence, I had never, ever entertained the notion that the Holocaust was anything other than what the official narrative had expected...

The ten commandments and the modern world

The Other McCain has a piece up about the cult of self esteem, a topic which in the past I have also addressed although I referred to it as the cult of happiness. But...

Fraser Anning STILL did NOTHING WRONG!

The Australian senate recently censured Senator Fraser Anning. They were very upset over some comments he made but didn’t actually articulate why he was wrong. The same day the senate said he was a very...

Conor McGregor calls out Muslim Snowflake

You know how Muslims killed thousands of Christians since 2001, and spent 1,400 years invading Christian lands unprovoked. You know how Muslims also spent the same time kidnapping millions of Whites and selling them...

The Uncuckables Ep. 2 – The Dump Button

Last night's show featured David Hiscox from The XYZ, Tim Wilms from the Unshackled and James Fox Higgins from the Rational Rise. Topics covered: The federal budget. The censure motion in the Senate of...

Fraser Anning Censured over Christchurch Comments

The Australian Senate has voted to censure Senator Fraser Anning in a near unanimous vote; many speakers condemned his statements regarding events of recent weeks. Does it really matter though? Anning refused to apologise or...

PooGate: Defecating on the face of a white woman complies with ABC editorial policy

Let's play a game. Imagine that on our regular Monday night livestream or on the new Uncuckables which airs at 8:30 pm AEST every Thursday, Matty's Modern Life or myself stated "F--- , I s---...

Professor Peter Van Onselen FAILS Australian Politics

Professor of Politics Peter Van Onselen is famous for claiming elections are won “in the centre,” yet now he’s confused as to what to do about the rise of “right wing” minor parties. Remember, “the...

Does the Australian government support political violence against its opponents?

The Australian Coalition government with support of the Labor and Greens opposition will today issue a censure motion against Fraser Anning for his brave opposition to the establishment line since the Christchurch Incident. On March...

XYZ Live #61 – Fraser Anning NAILS Scott Morrison and Mark Zuckerberg demands State...

The fallout from the Christchurch incident continues. Everything has changed, and it is likely that it will become an event as transformative as 9/11, Pearl Harbour and the sinking of the Lusitania. This understanding...

Breaking: Scott Morrison announces anti-association laws for nationalists

In the wake of the mass shooting on March 15 in Christchurch by a far-right extremist which resulted in the death of 50 people, the Australian Prime Minister announced this morning over breakfast that...

Facebook Likely BREAKS Australian Racial Discrimination LAW – #deletefacebook

Racial Discrimination is bad mkay, don’t racially discriminate, unless of course you are Facebook who seem to think it’s their duty to do this. They recently announced a policy that specifically singles out one group...

Is it fair to argue that terror has nothing to do with Islam, yet...

A long essay could be written on this subject, but this meme sums up the current situation just fine: While we're at it, here's another from Make Australia Grouse Again 3. Go for your life in...

The Uncuckables Ep. 1 – Come Gab Us!

Thursday night saw the premier episode of The Uncuckables, a new livestream format which we hope to develop into an independent Aussie media supergroup. Matty's Modern Life and David Hiscox from The XYZ chatted...