XYZ Live #94 – David Leyonhjelm Did NOTHING WRONG!

The big news last night was that David Leyonhjelm has been ordered to pay a tribute of $120,000 to Sarah Hanson-Young because vagina. When looking at the wording of the judge's ruling, it is...

Parasite Academics and Media EXPOSE their own LIES!

Recently a couple of academics told everyone than the farrrr-riiiight didn’t get electoral success, not because their views are unpopular, but because of poor leadership. This all fits in to the wider narrative. Basically, what they...

Food For Thought – Borat Addresses ADL, Says Facebook Is Bad

It appears Sacha Baron Cohen, the guy who brought us such hit tunes as ‘Send the Jews down the well’, has a problem with Facebook supposedly spreading “racism and antisemitism”: CNN reports: Sacha Baron Cohen has...

Property, Christ and Truth: Discussing Propertarianism with Curt Doolittle

Here is the second in a series of articles and videos on Propertariansm. Matty's Modern Life speaks directly with Curt Doolittle, the founder of Propertarianism. They discussed how the system of thought fits into...

Propertarianism Won’t Save You

Editor: In the coming days we will publish a variety of articles and videos which discuss Propertarianism, some for, some against. We begin with a critique by Mike Rusade. Mike Rusade Vox Day demonstrates I'm correct:...

The Uncuckables Ep. 36: Firestorm

The power team of David Hiscox, Tim Wilms and Richard Woolstencroft discussed the following topics: Australian bushfires. Degeneracy and miscegenation pushed in commercials and the inexorable convergence occurring in the corporations. US Presidential election...

A Ryan Rant – Episode 65: Groypers Guerrillas vs Blueish Bad Actors

There is a seemingly seismic shift occurring in the noosphere at the moment, which is emboldening the pro-Gentile cause more broadly. With Conservative Inc.’s kosher hacks painting another frame-up for America First firebrands, and imploring...

IVF and Childlessness

Mark Moncrieff On the 18th November 2019 there was a public meeting on whether in the state of Victoria children should be born via IVF with three parents. The egg from one women transplanted into...

Your backyard is an endangered ecosystem

Yesterday’s post about a man who went to jail for clearing hazardous scrub on his own land against the threat of bush fires was supposed to be my final one on this topic. But...

Quote of the Day: Absolutely no mercy to Islam

China is right about Islam. Islam is a political system which seeks domination of the whole world. Thus its followers should be viewed as agents of a foreign power. If you are not prepared to...

Full employment: 1400 Years Was Too Optimistic

Originally published at Upon Hope on 16/11/2019. Mark Moncrieff Only two days ago I wrote about how at the rate of employment growth in June we should see the end of unemployment in 1424 years. It...

Food For Thought – Cuckservatardism Is The Lesser Of Two Evils

Establishment politics throughout the Western world is dependent on two political cartels battling it out over who rules. Whether it be team blue (i.e. Democrat) or team red (i.e. Republican), both cartels are institutionally...

XYZ Live #93 – God Bless Israel Folau Part 2!

Israel Folau has made the completely unremarkable statement that bushfires are a sign of God's punishment on Australia for enacting homosexual marriage into law and engaging in the genocide known by the weasel word...

What do Jordon Steele-John, Greta Thunberg, Adam Goodes, Mona Eltahawy and Naruka Gorrie, Clementine...

WARNING: This article contains a graphic image. None of theme are straight, white, able-bodied men. It really is as crass as that, but it is an observation we make in response to a cynical decision made...

The ABC’s Feminist Q&A has a total SHOCKER!

Feminists recently went on QandA and had an absolute shocker when asked a very poignant question; they proceeded to respond both honestly and tellingly. We can now be in no doubt where feminists and the...

No nut November

Didact wrote an article about the big new thing in the world of young men on the internets which is called, No Nut November. The perennially unshaven Paul Joseph Watson has a short video...

Food For Thought – Roger Stone Is The Support Test For Team Trump

Roger Stone, the masterful agent provocateur who had a big part in helping get President Donald Trump elected in 2016, has been found guilty on all counts in a “WikiLeaks hacking case”: Associated Press reports: Roger...

WA Labor proves its loyalty… and it’s not to you

Mike Rusade The Western Australian state election in 2017 was widely thought to be a simple win for the Labor party. Years of Liberal party mismanagement, scandals, and some high profile undemocratic practices essentially decided...

Quote of the Day: Blair on trial, ISIS funder walks free

Gab is for now one of the freest places on the internet. No platform is perfect but if you want real information about what is going on in the world, or even your own state,...

The Uncuckables Eric 35: Destroying Ben Shapiro and Cringeservatives

This episode started off with Tim Wilms and his co-host from Trans Tasman Talk, Dieuwe de Boer. Yours truly turned up after half an hour and continued the deconstruction of Ben Shapiro's straw manning...