White people are not allowed to have nice things:
The ABC has been called out by viewers after airing a ‘disrespectful’ two-hour special on the monarchy and colonialism as part of their Coronation coverage.
Hosted by The Drum’s Julia Baird and Jeremy Fernandez, the discussion panel consisted of Q&A host Stan Grant, co-chair of the Australian Republic Movement Craig Foster, Liberal MP and monarchist Julian Leeser, and Wiradjuri and Wailwan woman Teela Reid.
Note the only monarchist on the ABC panellist was a jew who recently quit his post on the Liberal Party front bench because he supports the so-called “voice to parliament”.
The two-hour program started at 5pm and focused heavily on the impact colonisation has had on Indigenous Australians and people of colour, taking aim at the monarchy.
Anti-White hate propaganda is prime time viewing at their ABC.
But some watching on at home took issue with the fact the panel were criticising the Royal Family on the day of Charles’ Coronation and instead suggested the broadcaster just report on the event itself.
Correct. The ABC politicised the coronation.
‘There is no Indigenous foundation, no Indigenous heritage to Australia, Australia sought to erase the Indigenous heritage,’ Grant said.
‘We weren’t at the Federation discussions, we weren’t at the table, indeed we weren’t counted when the Constitution was written.’
He went on to say that ‘we don’t read history in a linear way’.
‘It is scars, it is broken bones and it is too many damaged souls, and we need to heal and bring love to the hearing,’ he continued.
‘This conversation is so important, I am so glad we can have this because it is necessary.’
In clownworld in the current year, anti-White hatred is “love”. Anti-White grifter Craig Foster, who openly facilitates The Great Replacement chimed in:
‘I was taught that the Crown and the monarchy was a wonderful institution and they were above accountability,’ he said.
‘The wonderful thing in 2023, everyone is accountable.’
One day, anti-Whites who have actively harmed Australians through their advocacy for non-White immigration will be held accountable for their actions in a court of law.
And what I find really interesting in this period in our history as we are going back in time to learn truths so that we can genuinely understand each other and walk forward together, and at the heart of those untruths is this monarchy.
‘At the heart of the wound in this nation is the Crown. And yet the Crown have been above reproach.’
The real “wound in this nation” is that its established as a White Australian ethnostate whose first Act of Parliament was to ensure it would remain a White Australian ethnostate has been betrayed, by those elected to lead us since.
What we must understand about the language used yesterday by Stan Grant and Craig Foster is that they are not targeting Australia’s monarchy for the monarchy’s sake. To these hate filled activists, the monarchy represents White people, it is an avatar, a voodoo doll for White people.
This is not about the monarchy, this is about us.
The monarchy is a symbol of White Australia. It is a reminder of our British roots and how this country was established. In attacking the monarchy they deliberately offend, insult, humiliate and intimidate White Australians by proxy. They direct all of their hatred, their malice, their vitriol toward the monarchy because at their core, they utterly hate us.
This is why, already a minority in our own country, we are now ritually humiliated on our own land on a daily basis.

We cannot have anything.
We are welcomed to our own country, we cannot honour our fallen ancestors without hearing weasel words about diversity and at the coronation of our own King rich, powerful anti-Whites whose voices are amplified by the anti-White Lying Press act as though they are the victim.