Stephen Wells protests against Groomer event at Margaret River


On Sunday, 12 March 2023, Stephen Well led a three person protest against a groomer event held at the River Hotel in Margaret River, Western Australia.

The event was titled Margi Pride First Birthday Extravaganza Eleganza – Drag, DJ and Burlesque Show. Although advertised as an 18+ show, its purpose was to raise funds for “the Margi Pride Inc. kitty to bring more events and workshops for all ages to the region.”

This is code for “we will keep shoving groomer propaganda down your children’s throats”.

Here is a transcript of the speech he gave to the camera:

So here we are outside the River Hotel in Margaret River. We’ve had just one person turn up with us today, he’s had to go. So it’s just me and my wife left, me holding the sign and my wife is videotaping me now, we’ve had three signs up.

We’ve had a little bit of abuse, a little verbal agro but otherwise nothing too terrible as of yet. Who knows what may come.

I want to say that me standing here alone today is much more important than anything I did in the Freedom Movement when I was speaking to thousands of people. That was basically a waste of time.

The reason that was basically a waste of time is because it didn’t take any courage. It took courage for the guy who came to his first protest today to stand next to me whilst we were abused. It takes courage to walk into a supermarket without a mask on, on your own.

It’s these things which you do individually which take your individual courage that will make a difference, not turning up to mass protests. Not that there’s anything wrong with mass protests [car beeps and driver whoops in support] but if all you do is turn up and then go home, and expect somebody else to make the change you’ve got another thing coming.

Each of you needs to be a leader. Each of you needs to make individual stands of courage.

Now yes it would be great if the people of my church group had the courage to stand with me today, and I will encourage them in future to grow a set and come down with me next time. But don’t be waiting for people around you to get courage, they’re not going to get courage until you get courage.

So anything local, that’s what you need to stand up to, anything happening in your neighbourhood, that’s what you need to oppose. Make sure that if nobody else does it, that you do it, because if you don’t do it, nobody’s going to do it.

‘Til next time.

Stephen Wells will be joining us on XYZ Live this evening to delve deeper into the issue. You will find us at Odysee, we start at 9pm AEDT.

Stephen is practicing what he preaches. During the 2020-22 period of Covid Tyranny he gave several speeches at Freedom Rallies.

He has since argued that thousands of small protests would be much harder to control than the big marches:

If you want to be effective as an activist opposing the system, then you need to be where the action is. The tyranny of the lockdown and mask mandates weren’t happening in the streets of Melbourne or Perth. They were happening at Coles and Woolworths. They were happening at the hospitals.

Imagine just 20 people walking into the main reception at a Government hospital without masks on during the mask mandate carrying signs saying “masks cause infections they don’t prevent them” and “my body my choice”. Imagine 20 people going shopping together without a mask, all wearing t-shirts saying the same.

No shouting, no disruption, just enough people that you can’t be stopped without the police being called and staying long enough that the police can’t get the numbers there to arrest you all before you’ve made your point, bought your groceries or walked from one end of the hospital to the other and left.

An NSN protest against a satanic groomer event in Moonee Ponds, Melbourne in September 2022 proved exactly this point. It caused the cancellation of another planned groomer event in December at the mere “rumour” of a protest.

The genius of this is that the Regime have forced the cancellation of right wing events due to the purported threat of violence, yet the threat of violence comes from the Antifa terrorist organisation. To be specific, peaceful right wing events are sometimes cancelled because extreme left terrorists may commit violence in reaction to them.

Thus, small, peaceful protests against extreme left groomer events judo flips the violence of extreme far left extremists against themselves, forcing the cancellation of events they are trying to support.

On that note, yet another groomer event is being planned for Manly, Sydney for February 25.

Jack Eltis notes:

This is a child grooming event. “Suitable for children aged 3+”

25th February 10:30am-11:30am Manly Library 1 Market Place Manly NSW 2095

PH: (02) 8495 5023


Due to the dynamics just described, it is a case where a few minutes of online activism by keyboard warriors of the alt right can lead to in real life total victory.

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