ISIS Bride Arrested: Counter Terror Police ACTUALLY Do Their Job


I don’t quite know what to say.

There must be some mistake:

The wife of an Islamic State fighter who was controversially returned to Australia at the end of last year has been arrested and charged by the Australian Federal Police.

The 31-year-old woman was arrested on Thursday after an extensive investigation was carried out by NSW Police and the AFP alongside several intelligence agencies.

She will face Wagga Wagga Local Court via audio visual link on Friday, charged with entering, or remaining in, declared areas, contrary to section 119.2 of the Criminal Code (Cth).

NSW Police revealed the Australian national is currently living in Young, about four hours south-west of Sydney.

There is nowhere in this country you can White Flight to.

The woman is alleged to have willingly travelled to Syria in early 2014 to join her husband despite knowing his links with ISIS.

Damn. So you’re saying she didn’t get tricked into thinking she was going to visit relatives in Lebanon? Did anyone ever believe that excuse?

If they can arrest one of the ISIS Brides for this, they’re going to have to arrest all of them.

“It will be alleged in court that the woman, who is now living in Young, travelled to Syria in early 2014 to join her husband, who left Australia in 2013 and joined Islamic State,” the AFP and NSW Police said in a joint statement.

“It will also be alleged the woman was aware of her husband’s activities with Islamic State, and willingly travelled to the conflict region. The woman’s husband is believed to have died in Syria in 2018.”

It is astounding that any of these people were ever let back into the country. Charging this woman on the grounds that she knew her husband was involved with ISIS and that she willingly travelled to Syria, undermines the entire logic for “repatriating” them.

We were told these women were unwitting victims. Everybody knows this is rubbish, and now Australia’s woefully named “counter terrorism” police have tacitly admitted this is rubbish.

More to the point, these people should never have been here in the first place because they are not Australians. Australians are the Anglo, Saxon and Celtic descendants of the settlers who founded Australia.

I have stated repeatedly that there would be no islamic terrorism in Australia or the West if muslims were not allowed here in the first place.

Moreover, if our government wasn’t trying to replace us, counter terrorism agencies wouldn’t need to pretend that ordinary people who just want their country back are terrorists, they wouldn’t need to pretend that sparklers, mercury and cattle prods were bomb components and they wouldn’t need to pretend that Star Wars toy guns still in their packaging were weapons.

It’s funny to see all of this playing out nine years later. The ISIS conquests in Iraq and Syria in 2014-15 caused many Australians to wake up to the true violent nature of Islam, and from there to understand that it wasn’t just Islamic immigration but all immigration which was being used by our governments to replace us.

Jews swiftly infiltrated the proto-nationalist movement – Reclaim Australia – which formed as a result of this awakening, and their agents attempted to lay the blame for its dissolution on those of us who are woke to the JQ, rather than Antifa terrorism and Big Tech censorship.

As far as the government and security agencies are concerned, the ISIS Brides saga is little more than an untidy loose end. They only care about replacing us, not the collateral damage.

They have failed however to smother the Australian nationalist movement. It only grows stronger and its cadres more determined to secure the existence of the Australian people in our own land.

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