Blackmailing Children: Get the jab or wear the muzzle


They’re coming for your children again.

What a coincidence that just as the untested Moderna vaccine is approved for the little ones, the governments of New South Wales and Victoria both happen to discover that ”only” around half of children aged 5-11 years old are “vaccinated” against Covid.

Val Glass does some excellent work on Twitter, and has called a spade a spade.

Kid: “I’m fine with it, because I don’t want to catch Covid.”

It’s blackmail.

It’s emotional manipulation. It is child abuse, forcing children to take a “vaccine” which is far more likely to hurt them than they are to catch the rebranded flu, let alone die with it in their system.

The appropriately named Jeroen Weimar makes the blackmail explicitly clear:

“When we opened up the vaccination program to 12-15 year olds we saw an absolute rush for the teenagers to get vaccinated. It was a really, really highlights of the entire program (sic).

“We’ve seen a slower uptake of the 5-11’s. That means we can release masks at the end of the week in secondary schools, but it does mean they’re still in Primary Schools because we still have 40%, 45% of kids who are currently not protected.”

Take the jab or wear the muzzle.

The standard operating procedure of abusers is to use the threat of something horrible to coerce their victims to do the horrible thing they want them to do. We’ve held Royal Commissions over this sort of thing. Abuse inquiries generally avoid shining the spotlight too closely on government institutions, though.

Doing so would hamper business as usual.

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