Victoria Marches against Dictator Dan Andrews – Vlog


On Saturday I caught up with my good friend Matty Rose and helped him to make a vlog of the massive rally in Melbourne against Victoria’s vaccine mandate and Daniel Andrews’ Dictator for Life Bill.

It has been reported that between 200,000 and 500,000 people attended the rally which dominated Melbourne’s CBD all afternoon.

Matty and I got up to our favourite pass times; joking about how I turn up late, making boomer jokes and jokes about our special friends, totally and sincerely agreeing with the mainstream media narrative on everything, and generally just rambling at the camera.

Beginning at the 17 minute mark, you can see footage of the crowd peacefully forcing a crew from mainstream media outlet Sky News to leave the vicinity of Flagstaff Gardens. As XYZ News has reported, this is a pleasing indication that the Freedom movement is radicalising as more and more people understand that the media’s number one job is to lie for its masters.

You can find Matty Rose at Telegram.