VIDEO BANNED BY YOUTUBE: James Fox Higgins DESTROYS Australia’s Covid Agenda


In his first livestream since The Glorious Storming of the Capitol on January 6, James Fox Higgins has given an update on just how crazy things have become here in Australia.

Naturally it has proven too hot for YouTube who have removed the video and given him a strike. You can easily watch the video on Odysee, which we have embedded below, and the video will soon be uploaded to Higgins’ Telegram channel, Foxgrams.

Higgins covers the following topics:

  • The coronavirus vaccines are still experimental drugs.
  • There is no avenue for redress is you have an adverse reaction to these experimental drugs.
  • Adverse reactions to the not-vaccine are 17 times the rate of regular vaccines, and that is just according to the official data.
  • Official data is suspect due to censorship by the Lying Press and official repression by Australia’s health regulator.
  • The extended lockdowns are destroying businesses and lives, including a rash of suicides.
  • The so-called “national cabinet” is unconstitutional and there is no way of reining in its power by the democratic will of the Australian people.
  • Vaccine passports are now literally a thing, with Queensland requiring proof of at least one jab for entry for “essential workers”.
  • The Regime, which is likely taking orders from above, appears to be going all out in response to massive protests last month.

And he fits all this into a touch over 20 minutes. Enjoy.