Melbourne parodies itself with ridiculous coronavirus propaganda


This is not satire. Seriously, we’re not even making this up.

What image does your mind conjure when it ponders the question:

“What does a typical inner city Melbourne leftard look like?


  • Fat
  • Ugly
  • Arrogant but stupid
  • Blue hair
  • Fishmouth Syndrome
  • Vaguely non-White
  • Awful dress sense
  • Mindlessly follows government coronavirus mandates

From time to time we mock these broken people and their awful behaviour. We meme about them.

We don’t need to depict them though. Due to diversity mandates and the requirements that “normal” body types are depicted in advertising, the disgusting creatures we parody actually depict themselves exactly how we describe them.

Obviously, the mask covers the Fishmouth Syndrome. However, you can still see the stupid arrogance. It’s all in the eyes.

This is meta. These…..things have actually internalised all the disparaging things we have ever said about them, and now depict themselves as the deformed animals we describe. They have fetishised their own handicaps.

They are beyond repair.

The other takeaway is that this indicates a new level of coronavirus hysteria propaganda coordination. These advertisements have apparently sprung up all over inner Melbourne, just days after Dictator Dan implemented a snap mask mandate and increased restrictions due to just one reported coronavirus case.

To do this, the artwork would have been commissioned well in advance, the posters produced, distributed and stored, locations for postering planned and a team of people ready to go. This propaganda was planned months ago, indicating that the Victorian government had planned another lockdown.

Computing Forever notes that governments are starting to condition their populations for the reality that the lockdowns will be indefinite, ie permanent.

The XYZ has yet to confirm whether or not the following backdrop is real or satire.

It’s your XYZ.