The Memo, The Flamethower and the upcoming FAQ Livestream


The chat that David Hiscox, David Hilton and Matty’s Modern Life had on the slimy piece of worm-ridden filth that is The Last Jedi currently has 3733 views and 62 comments on YouTube:

Meanwhile, last week’s livestream/podcast of FAQ is polling strong by our regular standards. Last week we covered the topics of The Battle for Australia Day, the epic Jordan Peterson interview, and MGTOW.

Monday night is now, officially, livestream night at The XYZ, so tomorrow night at 9:30 ADST, David Hiscox and Matty will be on air. We will be discussing the topics of the FISA memo, the Australian Open ceremony and the batteries developed by Elon Musk, although debates over whether Musk is a crony capitalist or the saviour of mankind may very well be hijacked by discussions of Musk’s awesome new flamethrower.

Matty will be very kindly hosting the livestream on his channel again. A link will be posted closer to time, so you can join us and direct the conversation with your own questions.

Update: You will find a link to the livestream at Matty’s Modern Life.

Update: And here is the video: