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What the hell happened to One Nation? Last year a good bloke recommended a public figure called Emma Eros as a writer for The XYZ. She had an online following, was...

XYZ back-up page for Facebook

The key to purging social media of conservative voices is to do it gradually. Frog in the saucepan and all that. Facebook appears to be...

XYZ Live #31 – Prime Minister Scott Morrison storms Canberra

Australia has a new Prime Minister, so we guess we had to talk about it. We expounded on a few of the major points...

XYZ FAQ Livestream #3 – Turnbull’s Tax Cuts, Stolen Generation, Christianity,...

Here is the third XYZ FAQ Livestream, recorded tonight. There were lots of topics in this one: Turnbull's tax cuts and "trickle down" economics, the Stolen...

The Memo, The Flamethower and the upcoming FAQ Livestream

The chat that David Hiscox, David Hilton and Matty's Modern Life had on the slimy piece of worm-ridden filth that is The Last Jedi...

XYZ Australia Day Live stream 9pm AEDT

The XYZ will be conducting an Australia Day live stream tonight on YouTube, at 9pm AEDT.  It will be our first live stream, and...

Quote of the Day: XYZ readers shut down intolerance & hate

Today on The XYZ's Facebook page, in the comments section for the article 14 Reasons that Same-Sex Marriage is not about Equality, an intolerant...

The XYZ is Taking a Holiday

In mid-September 1940, the British Royal Air Force was on the back foot. The German Luftwaffe, never having really expected to have to test...

The Misfortunes of SuperCuck – a Trans-diversity, Pro-gendered SJW

Poem by XYZ Resident Poet, Steve B. The Trumped world was in a perilous state As in the balance hung the fate Of tranny terrorism and cis-phobic fear The...

Happenings in the Land of XYZland

XYZ Resident Poet, Steve B Chapter 1 Know ye this. There is a green frog called Ryan in XYZland. Two things to note about this frog. 1....