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Tag: World War 1

Within Living Memory

How do you see the elderly? When I was growing up, old people were veterans of the Great War. They had either lived through...

Melbourne Traditionalists Ep 6: No More Brother Wars

This was a fun chat between Mark Moncrieff from Upon Hope and The XYZ’s David Hiscox, because we finally found something on which to...

Something wicked this way comes

Anna Charlotte In 1914, Australia entered World War I under the guise of fighting for our freedom; or so that was what the British had...

Book Review: The Myth of German Villainy

I turned 55 earlier this year. For the preceding 54 years of my existence, I had never, ever entertained the notion that the Holocaust...

The Two Thousand Year War: Part 1

Editor: Originally published on November 11, 2018.  The Christmas period is a good time to review the arguments made here, and part 2 will...

100 years ago today, we were a nation

Today is the 100th anniversary of the end of The Great War. In just a few hours it will be 11am here in Holland...

XYZ Live: Anzac Day Special

Anzac Day is a connection to our past and a way to remember the sacrifices made by our forebears, thus it is under constant...

One short story of an Aussie digger

Here is the citation for a Victoria Cross awarded to Private James Park Wood on 26 December 1918: "For conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty...

Commemorating Beersheba

The following is an extended quote from the Australian War Memorial, recounting the heroic efforts of the Australian 4th Light Horse Brigade at Beersheba...

To do one’s duty – a reflection on the 100th anniversary...

By Bradly Billings One hundred years ago, in June 1916, soldiers all along the Western Front among the British and allied armies were preparing themselves...