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Tag: Western Sydney

Australia is an Unsuccessful Multicultural Dictatorship

Australia is the most successful multicultural democracy in the world, apparently. So successful that nobody wants to fight for it. So successful, that Federal Police...

The Death of Australian Multiculturalism: Christian Priest Stabbed in Western Sydney

Multiculturalism and Liberal Democracy in Australia are dead. Dead-dead. It will not recover from this, only spiral into more death: IMG_4644 I would have given you...

Christian Lebs BTFO LGBT Pedo Freaks in Sydney

Don’t mess with Christians. Christians push back against pedo freaks in Western Sydney. Leave our kids alone. — XYZ (@itsyourxyz) March 22, 2023 Pedo freaks hate being...

Waleed Aly Defends ISIS Terrorists

In 2016 Waleed Aly minimised the threat of ISIS. Last night on the Project he minimised the threat of allowing ISIS brides and their...

Bog Roll Bandits Hit Western Sydney Woollies

Clownworld has brought our civilisation into the Bog Roll Boogaloo. Now, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the Bog Roll Bandits. From the Daily...

Four Maronite children die in Western Sydney road accident

Four Maronite children have died in a road accident, believed to have been caused by drink driving, in Western Sydney. Three of the children...

Australian No Go Zone: Lauren Southern proves Lakemba is conquered land

TradTHOT or Not, Lauren Southern has come to Australia to do Australian journalists' jobs for them. In a video which to date has 300,000...

Wang Show 0014: Congratulations, you have been selected to join my...

Would you buy a flat, sorry, an "apartment" in western Sydney for $1.5 million. You'll make it back, right? As Vic from the Wang Show...

The Awkward Moment when a Victory for SSM Red-Pills Australia on...

It has been beautiful watching the MSM and political elite in Australia attempting to discuss the majority No votes in nine electorates in Western...

Sydney’s Parramatta: “hot bed for extremism”

A student from Arthur Phillip High School in Parramatta, the same school that the perpetrator of Friday's police headquarters shooting, Farhad Jabar Khalil Mohammad...