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Tag: Victorian election

The Victorian Altar of Baby Sacrifice

Blow it all up, blow it all down, what a hoot, friends, what a hoot indeed. A hell of a party, a hell of...

The Racer Decides 9: The Absolute Most Progressive State (2022 Victoria...

The boys from The Racer and XYZ are joined by a large panel including Thomas Sewell, Jimeoin Roberts and Soap Merchant to bring you...

WA result foreshadowed Victorian election disaster

I have absolutely no pleasure in being proven right about the Victorian election, but the WA State election had already given Australia the precedent...

How Did Dictator Dan Get Re-Elected?

Labor has won re-election here in Victoria under the leadership of Dictator Dan and you have to ask yourself how could such an outcome...

Fake abo running for Labor in Victorian election

Andrew Bolt was right. He was always right: A relative of a Victorian Labor candidate who has described herself as a "proud Yorta Yorta woman" has...

SCANDAL: Fake “Sack Dan Andrews Party” set up to steal preferences

The biggest scandal to hit the Daniel Andrews government so far has just gone nuclear. So-called “preferences whisperer” Glenn Druery has been exposed in a...

Based Freedom Party candidate called for Daniel Andrews to be HANGED

Yeah so democracy is a sham and women shouldn’t be in politics, but vote for this chick anyway. The Victorian Liberal Party has preferenced Labor behind...

Daniel Andrews urges Victorians: Mail in your vote due to fourth...

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has this morning moved to assuage fears in the Victorian electorate that the festive season surge in Covid cases could...

Daniel Andrews GRILLED over traffic accident: REFUSES to answer questions

Daniel Andrews is getting hammered over a 2013 traffic accident with a young cyclist. This whole affair is suss af: A young man injured in...

Daniel Andrews is DESPERATE to get reelected

Fresh from bribing Victorian voters with offers of free food and help with their energy bills, Dictator Dan is now offering a four day...